Calling Forth the Cave Dwellers ~ The Cave Dwellers are those - TopicsExpress


Calling Forth the Cave Dwellers ~ The Cave Dwellers are those powerfully anointed and seasoned Men and Women of God - Generals and Leaders in the Lords Army, who once led well and ran well, but have since lost their passion, their fire, their zeal and stamina. Theyve won many great battles in the past, but somewhere along the way, they were hit by the enemy so hard, that they faltered and were knocked down or knocked back and they are yet struggling to regain their balance, the fullness of their strength and forward momentum. During this season of intense warfare (including enemy intimidation, mental weariness, physical infirmity, emotional struggles, moral failures and prolonged stress) - much like the Prophet Elijah, these leaders have fallen back and retreated into caves and hidden dwellings with the idea of recovering, resting and being renewed. Yet for some, the season has lasted longer than it should and Father is calling them forth in this hour. For the separation is no longer serving to strengthened and renew, but this has become a place to avoid dealing with the issues of life, the call of God and the work of ministry. These sheltering places have now become a cage of sorts, as their fear of coming out is actually keeping them locked inside. The concern over having to address uncomfortable questions and take accountability for their long absences, their failure to communicate and stay connected to those who depend on them, are the issues that make up the bars of their cages. Even a lack of knowing how to come back and whether they will be received back, are the driving questions they find difficult to answer, especially when theyve been disconnected from their sources of support and wisdom for so long. These are the amazing Generals in the Faith who desperately need our prayers today! For Father has issued conscription orders - draft orders, calling up ALL of the soldiers of the Lords Army and many of these Cave Dwellers are among those numbers! These mightily gifted and anointed leaders, who are stuck in their caves, are essential to the overall effectiveness of the kingdom operations for this hour, therefore they must be restored! They must be returned to their proper rank and accept their kingdom assignment as the army is only as strong as its leaders who provide and communicate the instruction, the strategies, the decision-making, the examples the subordinates need to be successful! Their example and their leadership is what makes the rest of us great and God needs them... We need them in their places! Therefore, if you know a Cave Dweller or you ARE a Cave Dweller, God says its time to come forth! We pray for the grace to walk out of the hiding places and be led to those who will lovingly receive and accept you in grace! We pray you reconnect with Father, in a fresh new way, learning anew, that He is your strength, your grace, your love and your ultimate support! May you find the healing you require to come out strong, even if your scars and your limps are evident to everyone. Which is not a bad thing, because it tells us all that youve been on a difficult journey, engaged in a terrifying battle, yet we can all see that you have survived! And for that we Praise God as we eagerly await the testimony of how you wrestled the lion, the bear, and the enemy and how God allowed you to achieve great victories! Know that we are praying for you, reaching out to you, longing to see you and engage you in love, in grace and in forgiveness! You may have lost much and are coming back thinking you have nothing to offer, but know that this is not the end... God says, everything looks different because its a new the beginning in a place youve never been before! Its a place where God has been holding a reservation just for you and its called, RESTORATION! God says, Come and Enter In! Amen, in the Name of Jesus! ******************************* Side Note: This is one post that seems so inadequate to me. Im not completely confident that Ive capture all that Father wants to be address, so I ask that each of you prayerfully seek the heart and mind of God as you read it. Let Him speak to your heart, specifically on the way we will need to receive and honor the Generals and Leaders who have been absent. There is a grace that Father is releasing to us to restore those He wants to be restored and we must be able to tap into that and act accordingly! Amen? Please share your thoughts and share this post as I know this is a much-needed word in season! Thanks for the inspiration, Prophet Marshall Green! I felt this hit my spirit the moment I read your comment about the Cave Dwellers! I believe God has used you to birth a Major Move of the Spirit through that declaration! Praise God for Your Obedience!!! In Humble Submission, Ap.Mimi
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:22:58 +0000

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