Calling all my facebook friends, family and fans.. The time has - TopicsExpress


Calling all my facebook friends, family and fans.. The time has come to stand up for the sake of humanity. Enough is enough and we shall not be silenced by the Zionist regime any more. We are all children of Adam and it is time we showed our support for our brothers and sisters being murdered in Palestine. They have as much right to live in peace as any one of us has and we will not stand down until the Israeli Zionists have put an end to the illegal occupation. There have been thousands killed and injured, from men and women, to kids and babies, brutally slaughtered in a bid to wipe them out of Israel. Their homes have been destroyed and they have been denied food and water. The orthodox Jewish brotherhood have opposed these war crimes and in return have also been killed. We will not tolerate the bloodshed any longer. We will not tolerate racism. We will continue to make the world aware of the truth which the biased media fail to show. You dont need to be a Muslim to speak out. You simply need to have a heart. So I call out to each and every one of you to join Team Kream and PBR in the biggest protest cruise to hit the streets of London. The Gaza Cruise for Justice. This is not a cruise for fun, its a cruise for cause, so people can attend and pay tribute to the thousands killed. Fundraisers will be present so please donate whatever you can. There will be face painters on the day for your kids, Palestine flags will be available to place on your bonnets as well as T-shirts. Please remember this is a peaceful demonstration, no hooliganism will be tolerated and all drivers are asked to drive with extra due care and attention. Any show offs driving inconsiderately will be asked to leave. There will be official security on the day and many stewards to keep everything organised and peaceful. The start location is Rainham where all Drivers/Riders are asked to meet. We will then prepare cars and convoys and plan to head out for 2pm, please please try to get there for 12pm so cars can be organised and prepared, flags attached etc, we must leave on time. We will then head for Haymarket in central London. We will congregate and start our demo there. Once all convoys have arrived we will slowly march by car and foot to the Israeli Embassy. Whatever your race, or religion, lets show solidarity on the streets of UK, as one nation standing up for one cause. One voice. One agenda. The most beautiful thing about the life of us car enthusiasts is, that we do not differ from one another, we are family and come from all walks of life. We unite with one common interest, the love for cars and bikes. Lets show the world that Britain stands firm against Racism, against Terrorism, WE ARE UNITED KINGDOM and we stand firm! Please click on the events page below and click attend and share with everyone. https://m.facebook/events/241031799439775/241049409438014/?ref=m_notif¬if_t=like T-Shirt design courtesy of RUK Technology will be available at the event for a donation of £10 each. All proceeds going through Mercy Worldwide to Palestine. I pray that you all are able to attend!x
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 00:56:25 +0000

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