Callum received a very much needed blood transfusion last night, - TopicsExpress


Callum received a very much needed blood transfusion last night, at the request of one very stressed out mummy. We decided 5 weeks ago for no more treatment for Callum and accepted his fate. Upon bringing him home he showed such great improvement, he was more alert, more vocal and even trying hard to smile. This improvement makes the no treatment option very hard to digest. Watching him struggle with high temps over the last week has been difficult, but not as hard as watching his once pink cheeks and skin turn sickly white. Him being so well over the past few weeks I guess has led me into a false sense of security, and had given me a small glimmer of hope that just maybe he would be okay. Watching him struggle yesterday was just another reminder that he is a very sick little boy. I know that he is dying and treating him is futile. I knew yesterday that if he didnt get the transfusion that we would lose him quickly. Luckily for us Callum has great Drs and he received the much needed blood, buying us a little more time. The plan is to take him back home again tomorrow and once again watch and wait to see what Callum will surprise us with next. Pics of Callum pre and post transfusion.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 07:15:10 +0000

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