Calories are a measure of burn energy. We do not burn our food we - TopicsExpress


Calories are a measure of burn energy. We do not burn our food we digest it and metabolize it. If you are not eating food but inflammatory fake substitutes (GMO, artificial sweeteners/dyes etc.) your body is desperately trying to protect you from the foreign invader! Ive lost 22 pounds, in 9 months eating plenty of calories. Highly recommend The Plan (determine what foods are healthy vs inflammatory for your unique biology) and The Body Ecology Diet (your gut needs a plethora of healthy biotics that live there and help you digest. GMOs kill the good guys!). Blindly eating less to cure obesity is like breathing less to cure allergies. It may offer temporary relief but ultimately fails because it is masking symptoms rather than fixing causes. Will eating only 1,200 of anything cause you to lose weight? Yes. So will cutting off your leg. That doesnt mean either is a good idea. Counting calories is a euphemism for starvation. Its the definition of an eating disorder. [5] And the sooner you are able to free yourself from oppressive calorie myths, and instead enjoy eating more—but higher-quality food—the sooner you will live your best life.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:46:23 +0000

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