Calum1916 Celtic FC Foundation 2013 Christmas Appeal By: - TopicsExpress


Calum1916 Celtic FC Foundation 2013 Christmas Appeal By: Newsroom Staff on 31 Oct, 2013 13:29 CHRISTMAS is one of the most challenging times of year for individuals and families who face poverty and homelessness. That is why Celtic FC Foundation, the charitable arm of Celtic Football Club, has launched its 2013 Christmas Appeal to help those in our community who are most in need. Our target is to provide a proper Christmas meal for around 150 local families, who otherwise would go without, as well as gifts for the younger family members. We are also aiming to support local charitable organisations, including many homeless charities, who provide valuable services for the most vulnerable people in society. We have done this in previous years with your generosity and we urgently need your help to do all of this again for Christmas 2013. Every penny raised will be spent to support those in need. The generosity and compassion of the Celtic Family is unique and unsurpassed, and Celtic FC Foundation is requesting your support once again for an Appeal which epitomises the very essence of our Club and truly honours the founding principles of Brother Walfrid. Those individuals and charities we are looking to support through the Celtic Christmas Appeal 2013 include: • Around 150 local families (to provide a proper Christmas meal for those who would otherwise go without, as well as gifts for the younger family members) • Glasgow East Women’s Aid (Christmas meal and gifts for families in the refuge) • Spirit Aid (Christmas hampers for those in need in the West of Scotland) • Glasgow Simon Community (a Christmas Meal for the City’s homeless) • Loaves and Fishes (Christmas hampers for the homeless and those living in poverty) • The Wayside Club Centre (a refuge and meal on Christmas day for the homeless) • Glasgow City Mission (provision of food and support for the homeless) • Lodging House Mission (provision of food and support for the homeless) Celtic FC Foundation will also be hosting a children’s Christmas Party in the Kerrydale Suite on Friday, December 6 and this has been funded by a group of supporters who undertook the Paradise Climb in May 2013. Celtic FC Foundation CEO, Tony Hamilton, said: “Christmas-time can be extremely challenging for many individuals and families who have a regular income but it is particularly difficult for those who struggle financially. “We are very keen to do what we can to make a marked difference to the lives of a lot of families in our society, particularly those with young children, who find it difficult to make ends meet at Christmas. “In addition to that we need to do what we can to change the lives of those who are homeless this Christmas, those who perhaps lead chaotic lives and those who are in crisis - especially mothers and children. We’ve helped many groups like this before and we aim to help them again, but we rely on you and our partners to be able to do that. “I would like to thank you in advance for your generosity. I hope that together we can make a genuine difference to a lot of people who need our help. The work of the charitable arm of Celtic is going through a new and exciting phase at the moment and this is one of many initiatives we hope to support throughout the year.” To get behind the Celtic Christmas Appeal 2013, donations can be made in the following ways: 1. Text – text ‘CELT07’ followed by ‘£1’, ‘£5’ or ‘£10’ to 70070 2. Online – 3. Cash – there are collection boxes located in all Celtic Stores 4. Cheque – payable to ‘Celtic FC Foundation’ and sent to Celtic FC Foundation, Celtic Park, Glasgow, G40 3RE. Any donation you can make this Christmas will help make a real difference to those who need it most. Thank you for your wonderful and continued support. Celtic FC Foundation is a registered charity in Scotland (number SC024648) with its registered office at Celtic Park, Glasgow, G40 3RE
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:44:50 +0000

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