Camden was home hibernating again today. He had a lot of energy so - TopicsExpress


Camden was home hibernating again today. He had a lot of energy so he had fun playing Wii and indoor football. We are so grateful that he is getting so much better after having that nasty flu. He does however now have the worry about his port. We have been talking with scheduling and doctors quite a bit lately and he also saw a picture of Marios port surgery and he said he hopes they are not going to use a ten foot needle on him like they did to Mario. We assured him there was no ten foot needle involved in anybodys port surgery and there will not be in his either. He said he will throw up if it is gross and I told him no way you will be fine it is mommy who will throw up with worry. He wants to keep it in. We know it is because of fear of the surgery but we know it has to come out as soon as possible. We praise the Lord that his has been in for over 3.5 years without complications. Please keep our precious son in prayer for him to stay healthy to be able to get his surgery done. Please also keep Josh in prayer that he will find something to make a difference in his health. Needed this song today for an encouraging reminder 😊 Sidewalk ProphetsLive Like That The Toby Mac picture I shared earlier too is true to the core of our family. We wanted to be used by the Lord and would have never chose the path He has for us to be used but we see everyday we are blessed to wake up to Camdens beautiful smile our profound purpose is to raise him for the glory of the Lord because he has a special story of hope and love already even at this young age that will mean more for the kingdom of the Lord than Josh or I could accomplish in a lifetime. We are honored and blessed to be his parents. I can think of nothing I would have wanted more 😊
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 02:40:06 +0000

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