Came across this piece of writing the other day, it was channeled - TopicsExpress


Came across this piece of writing the other day, it was channeled some time ago but thought I would share it with you. A Day in the Valley As the birds soar high up in the sky, the valley below dwells calm and peaceful in the morning sunlight. Just off to the right a stream gently trickles by, as the children dance and play at the waters edge. On the way to the stream you will pass a small white cottage surrounded by a picket fence. Pretty flowers grow each side of the pathway. This cottage has seen many generations of the same family within its walls. Shall we take a look inside? As we open the front door and follow the tiny passage along we come to a warm and friendly kitchen. The smell of baking bread evades the air. The kitchen is a hive of industry. a round rosy lady stands at the table kneading the next batch of bread. Two young girls hover at her side taking in all that she is telling them. Another girl stands at the sink, singing merrily away as she tackles the huge pile of dishes before her. Leaving the warmth of the kitchen we go back down the passageway turning right into the parlour. In the corner of the parlour rocks an old rocking chair with Grandpa snoozing gently within it.The room is still apart from the ticking of a clock and Grandpas gentle snoring. It is a room that is well liven in, slightly threadbare but spotlessly clean. Leaving Grandpa to his slumbers we go now up the stairs to the front bedroom The view from the window looks over the valley and as Grandma lies in her bed she sees the children playing down below. She has reached a great age and her bones are weary, but she always a cheery smile for anyone who calls to see her. She knows that her time upon the earth plane is not that long now, she has no fear about being called home once more, for she knows that many of her loved ones wait to welcome her. Leaving Grandma to rest we go back down the stairs, through the kitchen once more and out through the back door There at the bottom of the garden is the childrens father, he is leaning on the handle of his spade and surveying his mornings handiwork. Rows and rows of potatoes have been set. His thoughts turn to what vegetables he should be planting. His face is weather beaten His hands are strong . Further down the garden two pigs share a sty and beyond them chickens can be seen pecking at the ground. as he looks over he sees his neighbour Arthur also tends his garden and he greets him with a cheery Good Morning. On the sound of the air can be heard the singing of many childrens voices as they sit in rows upon wooden benches within the schoolroom. Their teacher Miss Moss stands before them leading the singing. The children range in age from four to eleven years. As there are not many houses in the valley this is the only school. As the children grow older the bus comes to collect them and take them into school in the closest township. The children now finish their singing and Miss Moss dismisses them so that they may go home for their lunch. Each child stands and files quietly out of the doors but on reaching the outside, whoops of joy can be heard as the children make their way home. Each child know the others well for they have grown together for many years. As they pass the tiny church, the pastor Reverend Green greets them with a smile and watches them go on their way. Mrs Cook in the local shop/Post Office remarks to her husband how quickly the morning has passed and turns to prepare her children,s lunches. Mr Bob the greengrocer stands by his shop watching carefully as he knows that young Tommy and Ginger are quite partial to helping themselves to his rosy red apples! The sun continues to shine in the valley. the sheep gently go about their grazing. The cows are being led in for milking by Farmer OToole. Peacefully within the valley life continues from day to day. Babies are being born and old souls are returning home once more. The birds soar high above the valley ready once more to migrate to farther climes. The air is still and warm As the day continues hustle and bustle abound. At last the evening sky begins to draw in. The sun sets below the skyline. The children sleep safe and sound in their beds. As we look down upon the valley the world is at peace once more, resting and recharging its batteries ready to face the sunrise of yet another day. Helen Scott 17.07.2014
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:39:44 +0000

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