Came home from church and let the pig out and I saw she had these - TopicsExpress


Came home from church and let the pig out and I saw she had these nasty oozing sores all over her left side. I automatically panic of course because not only does she have the sores but her back legs keep giving out and she would drag them. I get a warm rag and clean her and put peroxide on the sores hoping to help her some but it just made everything look worse. I said Id give her something to put her to sleep before church so she wouldnt be in so much pain and we googled how much benadryl can I give my pig? The FIRST THING to pop up I accidentally clicked on and it gave every symptom she had and said she had a very common condition known as Dippity Pig aspirin and benadryl do the tricky and its normally gone in a day or two! God is good and He sees to ALL of our needs because as miniscule as it nay be to you my PigPig means the world to me and I was torn to pieces thinking something was wrong!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:02:14 +0000

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