Campbell’s Cause, Updated Hi! Patty and Campbell here, to - TopicsExpress


Campbell’s Cause, Updated Hi! Patty and Campbell here, to let you know that the fundraising need for Campbell’s Cause has now changed. Let me tell you a bit about what is going on in the Campbell Kingdom. Campbell and I have been invited to a Guide Dog Handlers’ Convention in Charleston, SC, to be held on January 30, 2014 through February 1, 2015. Helping Hands for the Blind, a charitable organization that helps blind individuals with various needs and tasks, has graciously offered to pay my registration and hotel fees. Campbell and I must provide my plane tickets to and from the convention or find someone who would be willing to drive us; we must also cover our personal expenses during our stay. In addition, we must be able to purchase books to have on hand to sell at the convention to those who wish to purchase them. We must also provide informational materials that tell where to buy the e-book version, as there will most certainly be a need for those materials, as well. Campbell and I are coming to you, our dear friends and loved ones, for help during this most awesome time in our lives. Attending this convention will allow us to more effectively spread the word about our book. The title of the book is Campbell’s Rambles: How a Seeing Eye Dog Retrieved My Life. Our goals for spreading the word about our book are very simple. Of course we want to let the entire world know about The Seeing Eye and what it has done for us by matching us together as a guide dog team. We also want to help everyone understand that there are some who have other disabilities besides blindness, and that those people must not only be assisted but also accepted. We also want very much to make people more aware of the horrors of domestic violence, while paying very close attention to the special needs and problems that can arise when a disabled person is affected by this terrible blight—as well as by more than one disability, such as mental illness. To contact us, to buy a book to assist the Seeing Eye, or to help us ready ourselves for this fantastic opportunity, please visit our website: dvorkin/pattyfletcher/ Thank you for your support! Patty and Campbell Lee, Seeing Eye Dog
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:19:11 +0000

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