Can 51.1% or America voters be this dumb and blind? Can 65.9 - TopicsExpress


Can 51.1% or America voters be this dumb and blind? Can 65.9 million Americans be this stupid? This is the most scandalous, unaccountable President and Administration in the history of America but most dumb Americans don’t realize it because the liberal media gives him a pass and things just seem to “go away”. Let me name a few that come to my head quickly before I get into this latest one with Bergdahl trade. 1 – Political profiling by the IRS and the IRS targeting Obama’s enemies. Most recently the IRS gave the FBI 1.1 million pages of taxpayer data to encourage prosecution of Conservatives 2 – Benghazi (2 scandals in one) - Failure to protect our citizens abroad and telling us the lie about the ‘spontaneous attack” cause by an anti-Muslim video. 3 – Watching over, listening to & monitoring the emails of the Associated Press (AP). 4 – The ATF “Fast & Furious” – giving guns to Mexican drug dealers and losing track of them and one of the guns winds up killing a Border Patrol Agent. 5 – Solyandra 6 - VA Hospitals 7 – I wouldn’t be surprised if Carl Icahn and Phil Mickelson are found innocent in the latest insider trading accusations. They both have talked out against the president and his policies especially taxes. 8 – Numerous Executive Orders to circumvent the Constitution. I KNOW THERE ARE MANY MORE I HAVE NOT MENTIONED!! So we all know by now the Bafoon for a President decides to trade 1deserter for 5 hardened terrorists to hopefully push the talk of the VA scandal aside (The VA disaster hurts because it shows what happens in a single payer healthcare system). He takes the parents on the Rose Garden lawn and talks about how “we never leave our men and women in uniform behind”. It backfires and people on both sides of the aisle and the military lash out so the latest news is he is throwing HIS Secretary of Defense, HIS well known and documented “YES MAN” Chuck Hagel under the bus. They are now spinning it to Congress that Hagel signed off on it. I DIDN’T SEE HAGEL ON THE ROSE GARDEN LAWN. AND IMMEDIATLEY FOLLOWING THE RELEASE HAGEL WAS ON MEET THE PRESS AND HE SAID ‘I SIGNED OFF ON THE DECISION BUT THE PRESIDENT MADE THE ULTIMATE DECISION” he also said “he recommended the deal and Obama approved and made the final decision”. So what was supposed to be an Obama TRIUMPH now becomes another man’s MISTAKE. What a leader!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 15:04:26 +0000

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