Can I Trust You? ...They gather gossip, and...spread it... - TopicsExpress


Can I Trust You? ...They gather gossip, and...spread it... Psalm 41:6 NLT There was a famous Greek philosopher (philosophy = the love of wisdom... cooooool!) called Socrates. The story goes that a man approached Socrates one day to share some gossip. The wise philosopher asked, First, are you certain its true? Second, is it something good? Third, is it something useful? The man said, Not really. So Socrates replied, Well, if its not true, good or useful, why talk about it? Socrates knew that talking about someone else brings unnecessary nastiness. This principle is covered in the Bible too. David said, They if they were my friends, but...they gather gossip, and...spread it... (Psalm 41:6 NLT) Solomon said, Gossip (Proverbs 16:28 NLT), and it can cause you to lose your good reputation. (Proverbs 25:10 NLT) If someone comes to you to confide in you, or if you come by someones secret story, how do you respond? Even before youve finished hearing it, are you already working out who you can share it with? Or is your heart breaking for them, and youre already inviting God into the situation within your heart? A rule for breaking confidentiality is this: you cant keep a secret if somebody (including the person telling you) is at any risk of being harmed. Even if they ask you to. But, if thats not the case, what are you gaining by passing the secret on? Does that person actually need your prayers, and your encouragement? A test for you next time you get some juicy info: imagine whispering it to Jesus. What would He say to you? SoulFood: Is 53-57, Jn 8:42-59, Ps 123, Prov 29:1-3
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 05:57:58 +0000

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