Can I operate a photovoltaic system? To operate a - TopicsExpress


Can I operate a photovoltaic system? To operate a Photovoktaikanlage you need one of the following conditions: A house roof A free garage roof A balcony facing south, east or west Photovoltaics on the roof Almost all roofs are suitable. There are some points that are beneficial for the operation of a PV system: Can I operate a photovoltaic system? Facing south, east or west As little shaded area (chimney, bay windows, etc.) Roof configuration between 15-45 degrees. The best yield per installed module you get in a south-facing roof with no shading at an angle of about 30-40 degrees. Yet even if not all points are optimal, that is not a knock-out criterion: For a flat roof you can stand-off, in shading can help special power optimizer and even if your roof to the east or west is aligned (or both sides) bring the modules still almost as much income as a South facing roof. If you are planning an installation for own consumption (which absolutely is recommended), then an east-west orientation even be an advantage, because you can assign z. B. both sides of a peaked roof and so throughout the day steady stream obtained. Photovoltaics on the garage or on the balcony Even if your roof is unsuitable (eg. B. north oriented, verschattetes roof) and thus does not allow economic operation of a PV system, you can install on your garage with a flat roof, or even on your balcony, individual modules. Here, then z. Example are so called plug-and-play modules that are easy to plug into the socket. Conclusion: Almost everyone can participate with a photovoltaic system on the energy revolution! What cost photovoltaic systems? What does a car cost? Exactly one can not make sweeping statements in a photovoltaic system unfortunately. Nevertheless, I want to call a rough value, under which move full (foreign) installed photovoltaic systems: Cost of a photovoltaic system Photovoltaic systems are calculated per power unit is here kWp. A kWp cost you 1,500 EUR (as of January 2014). Depending on the size and incidents as well as the components used, this amount can vary by up to 20% up or down. The following points decrease / increase the price: Large / small plant Made in China / Made in Germany Alien / German Installer An average home rooftop system with z. B. 5 kWp cost you 1200-1800 EUR / kWp, ie about 6000-9000 EUR. Is it worth a photovoltaic system at all? Constantly we hear from the reduction of the feed-in tariff. Since the question arises whether the best time to plant is already over? fact is that a plant with the aim to feed the generated power into the grid is purely always unprofitable. The bigger the plant, the lower the compensation by the EEG. For this reason, large plants hardly worthwhile to feed on eg open spaces.. Below I will set up a small envelope calculation to estimate whether the feed on a rooftop at all can be worthwhile. Warning to all mathematics specialists: In the account are no interest includes, its not about to calculate an accurate return, but rather to get a sense of how represent the ratios of revenue and expenditure. Assumptions for the calculation of profitability: 930 kWh / kWp and year average yield 0.12 EUR per kWh feed-in tariff 20 years duration Invest 1500 EUR / kWp Photovoltaic electricity costs: Cost of electricity self-generated (without interest!): 1.500 EUR / (930 kWh / year * 20 years) = 0.081 EUR / kWh The electricity self-generated so you will cost a little more than 0.08 cents / kWh. On the other hand (even the state in January 2014 more than 13 cents, but I do not want to adjust every month this bill) are about 12 cents you fed per kWh get. A PV system is worth more? Even when Einrechnen of interest thus more income is over 20 years seen left than you invested in the plant and thus be credited these, though not really good. When captive use electricity by yourself and thus save the amount you would have to actually pay for the kWh your power company. , the average electricity price for households is about 28 cents kWh /. Thereof has the VAT. Shall be deducted, because you must pay back to the tax office, so it will remain 23.53 cents. need to be a mathematician to realize that 23 is significantly more than 8! Conclusion: Plants in open areas where a feed-in tariff of 10 cents or less is paid, no longer worth installations on rooftops for pure feed (about 12 cents feed-in tariffs) are worthwhile, but are not exactly a Invest, which one of the for return should make the train has left here actually. Properly worth the consumption of electricity is direct (captive). So if you have a private house roof and the power can consume all or part of yourself, you should do that. Notice of recent events: As every year, the policy tries to appreciate the big energy companies and find it hard to switch to the dedicated power supply this year to make. The reduction of feed-in tariffs interest here hardly a private citizen, why, you can see a ledge above. But now tried the policy to punish those who do exactly what they actually should do, according to the policy. Consume the stream itself is a stake in the EEG apportionment in conversation (personal opinion of me: This is about as useful as a motorway toll sticker replacement fee for those who do not use the motorway). Do not be put off! Even if you subtract the standing room in the 5 cents, then 23-5 = 18 cent is still significantly more than 8 cents that will cost you the power. Since I assume that the price of electricity will continue to rise and that a good investment, lasts substantially longer than 20 years (the 8 cent are expected to 20 years) worth of personal consumption, no matter what the EON / RWE / Vattenfall themselves - politicians can also occur. Should I buy a power storage for my PV system? As we have calculated in a chapter above, it depends on their own consumption. There are several possibilities. these to skip particularly high: Photovoltaic system with power storage The PV system is relatively small to measure and adapt to their own electricity consumption Adapt the power consumption of the availability of the PV current With a memory to use electricity even when the sun is not shining. This topic I will treat relatively short. While you are many installers want to sell a memory, because the margins now go on the sale of a PV plant near zero, there are also calculations that the investment is worthwhile, but you have to see it always in comparison. Clearly a memory worth at some point, but a system without memory worth it better and faster. Therefore, I advise you to date (yet) of a memory. The development is just beginning and the prices will fall, you can still buy a memory later. What does the efficiency and is this important? The efficiency indicates how many watts of power you get to a certain area. Contrary to many views and opinions of the efficiency says nothing about how well a module running, that is, how much income you get per installed watt. A module with high efficiency has one and only one higher wattage for the same land use. , the more Watt You have to pay exactly the same, so you save nothing of it. On the contrary, in almost all cases cost modules with very high efficiencies more than normal modules namely disproportionately. The efficiency of a photovoltaic system Example: Module A has 240 watt module B of the same size 300 Watt In module B, you pay not only the 60 watts the more you get, but in most of the cases even an additional charge that goes beyond the value addition. Nevertheless, a high efficiency if you try to get as much PV be important for. B. power on your roof as it gets, say, if your roof is actually too small for the system that youd like. Then it comes to a high efficiency as possible in order to utilize the existing space as efficiently as possible. Did you before, however, to install a small system for their own use and will probably leave them even parts of the available space free, then you should even after ask modules with low efficiency. These are often cheaper and do their job just as reliable. Which photovoltaic module is the best? No matter what you try to tell the seller, the best module does not exist. ., There is only the module that best suits their needs what your needs are, or what you want to achieve with your PV system, you should consider first: Which PV module is the best? Do you want to equip your much too small roof with as much power? Then the module is the best, which has the highest efficiency. If you want your roof to look as homogeneous as possible and attach great importance to a harmonious look? Then a completely black module is possibly the best option. You want to have a small plant in which you consume as much electricity itself? Then take modules with low efficiency and good price-performance ratio. You will pass a module that is manufactured in Germany? Then ask which module AND cell module in Germany is produced and select it the best from. You submit a German manufacturer of manufactures abroad? Then you should not pay more for a pure Made in Germany. For her one and only, the price is critical? Then for the cheapest system the best. These are all just examples of what could be your needs. Put your conditions and even locate your product after it from. Polycrystalline or monocrystalline? On this theme are the ghosts! Often, it is precisely the topic that is discussed at round tables at the most. There are many myths about which technology is better and why. My answer will probably disappoint: For you, it is usually not matter whether you buy a single module or Polymodul, you will not notice any differences. PV modules - Polycrystalline or Monocrystalline? Nevertheless, I will address the main points in brief: The color: Mono is black poly is blue. If you like blue better than black or vice versa, then this may be a reason to favor a certain technique. Mono is not completely square, but has rounded corners. Poly is completely square. If you are the white spots on the module disturb (the area at the corners at Monos at the back of the white showing through), then this can also be a reason. If you pay attention to the price without trying to make the compromise on quality, then poly may be the right technique for Polymodule are usually a little cheaper per watt than mono modules. Photovoltaic modules with monocrystalline cells have a slightly higher efficiency in most cases. So if you want modules with particularly high wattage classes, then drive usually best with mono cells. The most important thing: On return you will see no difference. If you like the above points do not matter, then you can be no matter what technology is in your crystalline modules. Performance guarantees, product guarantees, reinsurance: What guarantees are there and are they worth something? There are various guarantees offered on the market, here i will discuss the most important in brevity. Performance guarantee Assures you that the module still takes a minimum of power after a certain time. Often, the performance guarantee shall be staggered as follows: 90% in the first 10 years and 80% in the years 10-20. This means that a module with 200 watts of output power after 18 years still has to bring at least 80% of its capacity, which 160 W corresponds. Does it not this power, then it is a warranty case. Product Warranty Assures you that the product is free from defects. A simple example: If you have a module that after 6 years completely yellow (and looks aesthetically not good) but more than 90% of its output power brings, then it is no warranty for the performance guarantee. However, since the module was bought blue and white and not blue-yellow, there is a product defect and, therefore, a case for the product warranty. Reinsurance Often a reinsurance contracts as a kind of security is offered, which should give a warranty promise emphatically. A reinsurance is a promise of assurance that these warranty redeem instead of the producer. What can you gain from that? The most important question is what these guarantees are worth at the end. Here I can only give you my personal opinion: A product warranty is better than a performance guarantee, because it is easier to prove. However, if the producer went bankrupt in the meantime, your guarantee will not do any more. The warranty for photovoltaic systems Nevertheless, it is better to have a comprehensive warranty, because in the event that a warranty issue and that is the producer graduate, you are eligible for exchange. Then there is the question what will bring you a reinsurance? Again, my opinion: in most cases, nothing goes to the producer bankrupt, usually invalidate the insurance cover, because without insurance policyholders no more. I also have looked at times when ever pay such insurance and am also there to a very sobering conclusion came: Whenever the error is small and not the entire production is concerned - so always when there is a single case and the producer could make the exchange easy - then the insurance company pays. . Then but if it is life threatening, eg because a full years production is concerned, the insurance company does not pay more often. Hence my conclusion: If you reinsurance is offered for free, then take this happy with, you should pay for it or should receive an additional price to be accepted, then you miss out. Though it should serve to compensate for your lack of confidence in the product, youd better listen to your gut. The best guarantee is a product of which you are convinced and that did not fail. Can I install a photovoltaic system itself? Yes you can. For this purpose, the mere reading through this website enough but not guaranteed from. Install photovoltaic systems themselves? In any case, you should have technical skills and search the Internet for installation instructions. I myself have already installed a system. You will need at least two people, you are better in threes. You need a framework and an assembly-complete set with all screws, rails, etc. At the latest when connected to the inverter but you should include an electrician, for connection to the power you need even an electrician has a license for it. In the self-installation, you can save a lot of money because the work now has a significant share of the total cost. Nevertheless, you should think carefully about whether this installation also trust yourself and to inform himself without extensively on the subject of installation, you should not begin until. What should I pay attention to the installer (if I do not install itself)? Also the installer you should check exactly who you choose. Many installers in savings since the price war much on service. Some even save on the occupational safety and build z. B. no scaffolding on. However, this also applies to you in the event that someone reports the site. In the worst case, the site may be closed and your system can not go on time to the network. What should I consider when installer of a PV system? The first thing you should so inform you if the installer complies with all legal standards. Next, you should think about what is important to you: You want German installers? or is you a foreign installation team right? place emphasis on ensuring that you receive long after the installation nor service? If yes, then you should look for a company that has been around a long time and it will also be likely to in the future. The more you make the higher limits will fail and the price usually. More tips: Make sure that all the features on offer are noted in writing. Only then you can claim this just in case. Get introduced to offer the complete system and may also operate the system with all connections to you. Some less reputable providers offer only to the inverter, ie the connection to the network is very costly itself. Thus it can be expensive for an alleged sham deals very quickly.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:18:05 +0000

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