Can I please have you feedback and opinions on the following - TopicsExpress


Can I please have you feedback and opinions on the following motion from Reading Branch. Would you like me, on the Branchs behalf, to support the motion? Reading Branch Motion for the 2014 RMT AGM. A Permanent and Fitting Memorial for One of the Greatest Trade Union Leaders Of All Time. Conference, Reading Branch asks for you to support this motion which it sends to the AGM with a heavy heart. This motion calls for our AGM to ensure the memory of our much loved and missed Brother and Comrade to be never forgotten. Bob stated that he wanted to educate our members, representatives and activists into becoming active militant Trade Unionists so what better way to remember our dearly missed and worldwide respected General Secretary than to:- 1) Endorse a name change from the RMT National Education Centre based in Doncaster to become:- THE BOB CROW RMT NATIONAL EDUCATION CENTRE 2) Purchase a statue of Brother Crow, and for it to be placed in the said centre front garden. This we feel would be a fitting tribute to a great man, leader and comrade. We ask all delegates to support this motion. Chris Reilly Reading Branch Secretary George Falzon Reading Branch Chair
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:06:46 +0000

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