Can India trust China? History must not repeat itself. I say All - TopicsExpress


Can India trust China? History must not repeat itself. I say All are in a circle. US -India--China. All are relatives with each other for their own own interests and make a force pressure to other countries like Bangladesh- No doubt, China would prefer to have good relations with India. These two nations have some common agenda items. Both seek to gain more influence in international affairs and curtail what they see as the excesses of American power. China realizes that the coming together of the world’s two largest countries could tilt balances against the United States. It simultaneously wants to push India into a cage to curb New Delhi’s power to challenge Beijing. China’s strength and dynamism and its ambitions for political hegemony are elements of concern. Beijing’s track record makes it hard to trust the Chinese. China duped India at least three times on Tibet and the border disputes before the war. Nehru had been suspicions of China. In 1960, he told U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker that the Chinese had an “aggressive nature.” This nature usually manifested when they felt themselves powerful. As the “Middle Kingdom” people, they considered themselves above everyone else, and they included India in a second-class category. Nehru’s answer lay in his focus on developing India’s economy to create a national power base capable of resisting any Chinese military provocation. However, China’s growth rates far outstripped India’s, giving Beijing an edge to build a more powerful army. India never managed to catch up. In the context of the disputes with China, Nehru’s action was not an answer at all, but an implicit admission that India lacked the military power to evict the Chinese.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:34:23 +0000

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