Can Muslim Groups Who Try To Establish Jihad While Being Disunited - TopicsExpress


Can Muslim Groups Who Try To Establish Jihad While Being Disunited With Other Muslim Forces Be Successful? - Shaykh Alee Hasan Al-Halabee Shaykh Alee Hasan Al-Halabee said, ...Disagreement, opposing views and mutual disregard is one of the greatest causes of defeat. This - in reality - is due to a deficiency in tarbiyah (education and cultivation) and therefore it is one of those matters which prevents victory. Imaam ash-Shabee (d.104H) said: No nation differed after its Prophet, except that the people of falsehood from it, gained ascendancy over its people of truth. ...So in all the battles of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, the Muslims were a single rank and a single jamaaah (united body), taking orders from a single leader. Allaah - the Most High - said: O you who Believe! When you meet an enemy, be firm against them and remember Allaah a lot so that you may be successful. And obey Allaah and His Messenger, and do not dispute less you lose courage and your strength departs. And have sabr (patient perseverance), indeed Allaah is with the patient ones. ...However, defeat is the result of disunity and disagreement between the hearts, and in having many leaders and many jamaaahs (groups and parties). There has - in this present age - been no battle in which we have participated, except that in it we were differing and disputing parties, having differing leaderships and having mutual hatred. So how is it possible to achieve victory and establishment?! Indeed, everyone talks about bringing about unity, and writes about it and looks forward to it. However, the results are sorrowful and destroy and frustrate the hopes. After every attempt it becomes clear that every group strove to cause difficulties for the others; and to plot against them; and to make conditions upon them which conflict with the goals of unity and harmony. So the attempt that will be effective and successful must have as its goal, corrections for the ailments of the hearts and souls... So when the souls are changed and the hearts are filled with taqwaa (piety, fear and obedience to Allaah), then everything in our lives will be changed. Ref: Taken from a longer article on, spubs/sps/sp.cfm?subsecID=CAF02&articleID=CAF020003&pfriend= On: ahlusunnahwaljamaah/2014/08/11/can-muslim-groups-who-try-to-establish-jihad-while-being-disunited-with-other-muslim-forces-be-successful-shaykh-ali-hasan-al-halabi/
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:59:29 +0000

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