Can US government come with a different version ? - TopicsExpress


Can US government come with a different version ? The article actually put in a one paragraph disclaimer that aluminum is used for just about everything except condoms. :-) President Obama has asked Congress to approve an attack on Syrians, but did he state an objective that the attacks were supposed to achieve? Aluminum Tubes Again . . . Really? As if the other similarities between the Western ramp up to its unjustified and disasterous war with Iraq on the one hand, and the West’s current program of action vis a vis Iran (this time facilitated and not checked by the IAEA) on the other, weren’t earily similar enough, we now have yet another similarity. Reuters reports with alarm the transfer of aluminum – one of the most ubiquitously used materials in the world – from a swiss company to an Iranian company. This transfer, Reuters breathlessly reports, could of course have no other end use than in Iran’s centrifuge-based uranium enrichment program. Not that there is any evidence that it ended up there. It just may have (did David Albright co-author this piece? I may have missed it in the byline). You do remember the furore over Iraq’s reported aquisition of aluminum tubes in the runup to the 2003 war, right? Well if you don’t, see Dave Chappelle’s explanation here at about 1:21 (viewer discretion advised – I think Chappelle is hilarious, but his comedy isnt for everyone). This story is particularly groan-inducing because it comes almost ten years TO THE DAY after IAEA DG Mohamed ElBaradei gave a speech to the UN reporting, among other findings, the IAEA’s determination that the aluminum tubes acquired by Iraq had not in fact been used in a nuclear program. An old phrase about those who do not learn from history comes to mind . . .
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:15:22 +0000

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