Can You Compete? Were you ever in a situation where you felt - TopicsExpress


Can You Compete? Were you ever in a situation where you felt like you just didnt have what it takes to compete? Lets take a look at the definition of the word compete: compete :to try to get or win something (such as a prize or reward) that someone else is also trying to win :to try to be better or more successful than someone or something else :to try to be noticed, accepted, or chosen over something or somebody else :to be suitable Full Definition :to strive consciously or unconsciously for an objective (as position, profit, or a prize) :be in a state of rivalry Sometimes you can knock yourself out to please others in any given situation, yet nothing is ever enough. Jesus, who was perfect, wasnt enough for some when He walked this earth. They still crucified and got rid of Him. The good news is that we ARE enough for Jesus. Theres no striving or competition needed to please Him. Its a come as you are - even if you are a total mess - kind of deal. When I was a kid, people liked me, but I never quite fit into the cliques because I would always reach out to those that were less fortunate and try to pull them in as well. And that was a big no-no. When I grew up and was part of a big church, it was the same way. I remember my mother saying, start your own clique, and people will flock to fit in Well, I started my own ministry and determined in my heart to pull in those gems of God I saw others rejecting. I began having Womens conferences, giving platform to those jewels of God I met along the way that others overlooked. The conferences were so successful, we couldnt stop the registrations and had to move them to the largest venue in Charlotte, North Carolina! 16-18 hundred women at a time came, from all over the globe! Stop trying to fit in when God called you to stand out! You have a purpose only YOU can fulfill. If your value and worth isnt recognized by others, they are who is missing out. When I was a teenager, girls would flock after a certain guy in school. He loved to compare them to one another and see them try to compete for him. I wouldnt participate in such nonsense. Id walk away. Even then I realized that, if someone really cares for you, they will delight in making you feel secure, not cause you to feel like you dont measure up. Maybe you dont fit in elsewhere because God has called you to do and be something unique. Or to be a part of something with people of greater vision than those you are trying to fit in with. Like the vision God created you for! Run a race worth winning! Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. (1 Corinthians 9:24 NKJV) The Lord says you are accepted in the beloved. (Ephesians 1:6) That word beloved can also be said as be loved. Stop struggling to prove yourself to those who manipulate and control you and cause you to conform to their image of who and what they want. Do you know what the Bible says about that?: They zealously court you, but for no good; yes, they want to exclude you, that you may be zealous for them. (Galatians 4:17) Instead, be zealous for Jesus and what Christ died for so that you can be all you were meant to be. Be loved and accepted by God today, Beloved One!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 12:26:00 +0000

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