Can You Handle the Truth. I bet most of you cannot. - TopicsExpress


Can You Handle the Truth. I bet most of you cannot. 20 Reasons to Reject Paul of Tarsus 1. Yahoshua commends the church of Ephesus for rejecting false apostles. Paul and his road buddies only taught there. They are the false apostles being spoken of in Revelation. [Rev. 2:1 - 2] Paul says he only preached “C hrist” where others have NOT preached “Christ”. [ Rom.15:20 ] He also says all of Asia turned away from him. 2. Paul taught that eating unclean meat is permissible, also teaching that eating meat sacrificed to idols is NOT sin. [ Rom. 14:14; I Tim 4:3 - 5 ; I Co r. 8:8 - 10] . Yet, Yahoshua HATES this doctrine of Balaam; his disproval of this action is mentioned multiple times in Revelation. [Rev. 2:14 - 16, Rev. 2:20 - 23]; See OT for original story about Balaam. Story begins in chapter 22 of Numbers. 3. Paul lied abou t the stipulations given to him in the Council of Jerusalem where he met with Peter, James and John, along with others. [Stipulations found in Acts. 15:20; Acts. 15:28 - 29; Acts. 21:25] He lied by omission and by telling the Galations something the council did NOT say , purporting that he was telling the church what he was told by the council . [Gal. 2:9 - 10] 4. Paul does NOT fit the criteria for apostle as mentioned in Acts 1: 20 - 22. (Keep in mind, there are only 12 foundations in the New Jerusalem, with the na me of the 12 apostles on them. [Rev. 21 :14] Matthias replaced the betrayer, Judas Isacariot [Acts 1:20 - 26] . Paul would be the 13 th apostle if he were numbered with the m. 13 is the number of rebellion. Yahoshua said the 12 would judge the 12 tribes of Israe l [Mtt. 19:27 - 28] 5. Paul does not know and/or care to declare Yahoshua’s teachings. He confronts Peter publicly and makes the confrontation known via his epistle although Yahoshua says dealing with a dispute should be a private matter FIRST, if the proble m escalates other measures may be taken. [Gal. 2:11 - 14; Matt. 18:15 - 17] Humble people don’t seek to defame others when there is a disagreement. He rarely quotes any of Yahoshua’s teachings. In fact, many times his teachings contradict Yahoshua’s words. 6 . Yahoshua gives his apostles authority to tread on serpents and scorpions. This pertains to having authority over demonic entities. Lk 10:19 - 20. Yet, Paul is unable to remove his “thorn”. He tells us the “thorn” was sent by Satan. II Cor. 12:7 - 9. If he were Yahoshua’s true apostle he would have been able to free himself from whatever the “thorn” was because Yahoshua gave his apostles the authority to do so. 7. Paul misquotes scripture from the “Old” Testament. Sometimes he quotes correctly only to take the p assage out of context to “prove” his point. [Rom. 3:10 - 18; I Cor. 9:9; Gal. 3:10] 8. Paul thinks the Law is a curse , a burden, abolished, etc (therefore he is anti - Torah) [Gal. 3:10; 5:40; Acts. 15:10; Rom. 3:28; 7:9 - 10;10:2 - 4;II Cor. 3:13; Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14; II Cor. 3:6; Gal. 2:18 - 21 , Gal. 3:13 - 14] yet Yahoshua said we have to follow the commandments to enter into life [Mtt. 19:17] . Yahoshua also shows us that salvation is costly and we have to overcome [Lk. 14:27 - 33; Mk. 9:43 - 47; Mtt. 16:27 ; Rev. 2:26 - 29 ] . 9 . Paul thinks Yahoshua will be coming back in his life time (yet he says he gets direct revelations from “Christ” [Eph. 3:1 - 4] ). [I Thess. 4:13 - 18 ; Rom. 13: 11 - 12]. Obviously Yahoshua didn’t return then. Yahoshua warns us to not believe anyone who sa ys, “the day is at hand.” Lk. 21:8. Paul says, “the day is at hand”. 10 . Paul tells us the son of perdition is yet to come, yet Yahoshua in the garden of Gethsemane already told us who the son of perdition was (Judas Isacariot). John 17:12. (Read Yahoshua’ s whole prayer for context). By the time Paul was mentioning the “son of perdition” Judas had long since been dead!!! Is this a smoke screen? [II Thess. 2:3] 11 . Paul circumcises Timothy [Acts. 16:3] although he says those who get circumcised have fallen f rom grace [Gal. 5:4]. This makes him either a hypocrite or a person with a personal vendetta against Timothy, either way he shows us poor character. Why would you bother following him? Why would you call his writings “scripture”? 12 . Paul tells us he l ied and justifies his lying. [Rom. 3:7]. Paul says he saw Yahoshua (this was after Yahoshua’s ascension) [I Cor. 9:1], yet Yahoshua said his second coming would be as lightening from east to west, a very public appearance . [ Mtt. 24:24 - 27] He warns us not t o believe anyone who says that he saw the messiah in the desert or a secret chamber ! Paul says he met Yahoshua in the wilderness.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 15:20:56 +0000

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