Can You help improve our Tidy Town Marks in 2014. Please support - TopicsExpress


Can You help improve our Tidy Town Marks in 2014. Please support at our meeting in the Bailie Hotel Tomorrow night Monday 10th March at 8pm Sharp. Why live work and play in a dirty old town when you can help do something about it.............. Read the details of last years report. Judging was on 12th June 2013. Unfortunately Bailieboroughs appearance is alot worse at the moment. Last year we were award 220 marks out of a maximum 400 marks... the bulit environment 29/50 marks, landscaping 28/50 marks, sustainable waste 7 resource management 9/50 marks, Tidiness 14/30 marks, litter control 24/50, 18/50 for wildlife & natural amenities, Roads Streets and back areas 28/50, Residential areas 25/40 marks, general impression 7/10. Adjudicators Comments: We strongly believed the town would benefits of by having a simple plan as it would assist in focusing our efforts and progressing further in the competition. We also note reference to a Regeneration Programme for Baileborough which incorporates a Strategic Plan linked closely to the objectives of the TidyTowns Committee covering areas such as Tourism / Heritage / infrastructure etc. You would therefore appear to have done a lot of the work required for a TidyTowns Plan. Please include next year. We are delighted to read that your committee is mutli-denominational and strong in numbers, a strong community grouping such as your TidyTowns committee needs to be all encompassing and inclusive of the entire community and of course a place where community camaraderie and spirit shines. The Baileborough Community Resource Centre looked well. The murals and derelict housing projects impact positively on Church Street. The delightful Church of Ireland occupies a prominent position at the lower end of the main street. On Adelaide Row, the Manse and the Arts and Cultural Centre in the Old Methodist Church looked well. The wall boundary outside the cultural centre is in need of repairing. We also visited the Old Church of Ireland graveyard and noted that the walls are also in a bad state of disrepair here. Perhaps you could contact the local Heritage Officer or the Heritage Council and enquire if there are any funds available to maintain these old yet historically significant areas of your town. The family playpark at the Business Centre was clean and well presented. The Masonic Hall is a delightful well presented building. Generally all the buildings on Market Square were clean and well presented. Beeches Restaurant and Dan’s Diner deserve a mention for the high presentation standards they are setting. Be careful in relation to moss on roofs of premises though. Other commercial premises who have been making a good effort towards their presentation include the Bailie Hotel, Cara Pharmacy, the building housing the Post Office. Jameson’s Pharmacy, the Medical Hall and O’Reilly’s. Stop and Stitch injects some colour to the streetscape. Your adjudicator is glad to report that the Supervalu building is rather inconspicuous along the Main Street. The library is another fine building which has been restored and put to practical use. The Courthouse now housing the Council offices would benefit from painting. St Anne’s Roman Catholic Church is well presented. The traditional townland stone plaques were admired. You have carried out a significant amount of work in relation to tidying up and improving the presentation of derelict sites in the town . We acknowledge the local businesses who sponsored the paint and the volunteers young and old who gave up their time - you are all commended for the strong efforts this year. Colourful hanging baskets were noted along the Main Street. You also purchased trees for the Main Street with the money raised at your fundraiser, where these in place on adjudication day? Your Baileborough in Bloom Initiative led by the Cavan Branch of the Irish Wildlife Trust is to be commended for enhancing the biodiversity of the town. You have a wildlife landscaping project planned and we await to see the results of this in due course. The Town Trail was greatly admired however we need to report to you that hedge cutting was witnessed past the Bridge at the Town Trail. Please be aware that it is an offence under Section 46 of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act, to cut any vegetation growing in any hedge or ditch during the period beginning on 1st day of March and ending 31st day of August, unless for reasons which are exempted, such as road safety etc. Now that we are in the bird-nesting season hedgerows should not be trimmed. As most of our songbirds nest in hedgerows they are essential for these birds to breed successfully with no disturbance during the breeding season. The recycling area at Tesco’s was tidy albeit a few cardboard boxes which we noted were swiftly removed by a member of Cavan Couty Council’s Waste Management Section while patrolling the area via a vehicle. Some litter (ice cream tubs) was noted at the seating outside the library, which is unfortunate as the litter bins were mere meters away. Your ideas around holding the best kept road competition are good and may encourage greater awareness of the work you do. Signage would appear to be an issue in the town. There were a few different circus signs noted at various locations throughout the town. Furthermore there is a plethora of signage adorning the fence across from the Tesco entrance, you realise this though and we await your planned irish language feature here with interest. Perhaps the Baileborough Shamrocks GAA gates would benefit from painting and the fencing could be improved on the approach from Shercock. You mention reuse of waste, save energy and water in your application under this section but have not provided any details of the types of things you do. Please provide us a little more detail next year. It is great that five schools in the town are involved in the Green Schools programme and that your committee is actively involved in the schools. We wish St. Annes well on their application for a green flag. The unfinished estate Drumlin Manor needs attention, do you know if any improvements will be made here. Your committee and the Regeneration hope to become more proactive regarding unfinished estates and we would encourage you to do so. We are glad to see that a number of estates are involved either in your committee or support your work. The two roundabouts each side of the Tesco’s were presented to a high standard. There was a lot of grass burnt with weed killer which detracted from the approach from Kingscourt. Perhaps you would also consider washing the signs on the Shercock approach. Please consider cleaning of signage in your regular maintenance plans. The roundabout on the Shercock approach looks well and should improve over time as the planting matures. The road nearby the Presbyterian Church and Community School is attractive with stone walls and mature trees. The pedestrian crossing on the Main Street is badly worn away. You have been working hard in some competition categories and perhaps neglecting others, such as wildlife and natural amenities and sustainable waste and resource management although we do recognise you have many projects in the planning stage. You appear to be an extremely hard-working and very capable group and your adjudicator thinks you have great potential to score much higher in this competition. Without labouring the point, please consider a plan for inclusion with your application next year. You have made great strides this both last year and this year and we wish you continued success in 2014. Awarded 2012 TOTAL MARK 220/400
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:29:18 +0000

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