Can a sunni girl marry a shiaa boy? Posted: 10 Aug 2013 10:47 PM - TopicsExpress


Can a sunni girl marry a shiaa boy? Posted: 10 Aug 2013 10:47 PM PDT Question: Can a sunni girl marry to a shiaa boy. They are not kuffar. He prays and has good iman. Can you please tel me more about shiaa? In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh There are many different sects amongst the Shias. Some sects (like the Tafdheelis) are considered as Muslims as they differ only on the issue of khilafa i.e. they deem Ali (R.A) more deserving to be a leader than Abu Bakr (R.A). They also revere and honour all the Sahabah. (Khairul fatawa 1/374 Shirkat printing press, Kifaayatul mufti 1/289 Darul ishaat) However the majority of present-day Shias (Ithna ashra/Jafaries/Imamiyyias) hold such beliefs which render them out of the fold of Islam. Listed under are a few beliefs of theirs are recorded in the works of their very own Ulama….: 1.THE QURAAN HAS BEEN DISTORTED 2.THE SAHABAH TURNED APOSTATES 3.THE UMMAHATUL MUMINEEN WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEMISE OF NABI (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) AND WERE ALSO INFIDELS 4.THEIR KALIMAH AND AZAN IS DIFFERENT 5.THEIR ‘IMAMS’ ARE GREATER THAN THE PROPHETS AND ANGELS 6.“No one has total knowledge of Holy Quran except the Imams.” (Usool Kaafi, 1/ 228) 7.“Angels bring wahi to the Imams every Friday and they also go for Mi’raj.” ( Usool-e-Kaafi, 135, 155) In light of the above, it is apparent that the vast majority of present-day Shia’s are not Muslims. If the person in question ascribes to any of these heretic views, nikaah will NOT be permissible with him. (Imdadul Ahkaam 2/213. In fact, the Shia kitabs show that it’s not permissible for Shias to marry sunnis, as they regard sunnis as disbelievers. “It is not permissible to marry a sunni because they are Kaafirs” (Tahdhidul Akaam, Manlaa Yahzurulul Faqih 3/258.) If this person claims to be from the Tafdheelis (The group that are considered as Muslims), then too extreme precaution should be exercised. There is the possibility he will conceal his real beliefs and practice on taqiyyah. (Kifaayatul mufti 1/289-290 Darul ishaat) Also keep in mind the Shia practice of mutah (temporary marriage). Bear in mind that even though it is permissible to marry the tafdheelis it is highly discouraged. (ibid) Marriage is a lifetime affair; therefore, you exercise extreme precaution. Whoever gives up something for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will compensate him with something better. We ask Allaah to make you strong and grant you a good life in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allah knows best Mufti Ebrahim Desai Darul Mahmood
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 13:47:32 +0000

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