Can any Good Thing Come out of You? When Nathaniel was invited - TopicsExpress


Can any Good Thing Come out of You? When Nathaniel was invited to meet with Jesus he was emphatically sceptical, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” he asked, and Philip saith unto him, “Come and see”. (John 1:46) Welcome to the 3rd day of 2015, a year of relevance, your year of wealth. Your good year. In 2014 one of the greatest challenges i had was when one of the closest persons in my life saw no good in my decision to minister to souls to return to God. This individuals refusal to support that engagement flabbergasted me. Yesterday, during an outreach i was so greatly overjoyed when souls ran to the alter to give their lives to God. One even asked me to just say a word that will make his fiancée to return for their wedding. Tears were on the marks behind my eyes as i knelt him down to pray for him. Do you want everything to walk together for your good this year? Come along. Since Nigerias independence in 1960, the greatest challenge in Nigeria’s political culture and development has been that the people from the north do not believe that any good thing can come out of any president from the south. But, this is the greatest disappointment to them from the north, the emergence of President Goodluck from the south. God always uses those whom people think there is no good in them. Come with me, brethren. There is no ideology in life, there is no issue of destiny important in life that does not have an edge of doubt. Doubt is interwoven with life. We do not believe everything we hear. We do not believe everything we see. However, it is crucial that we do not become doubting Thomases. Do not doubt too much. People most times have trouble moving a little bit away from their doubt and that is the problem. It is risky. Nothing is good when it is extreme. For you to achieve your destiny this year you must remove extreme doubt out of your life; believe in yourself and above all take what I am about to share with you today very seriously. For you to make it real big, I mean big, you must receive the spirit of walk. You must take a walk of faith. You must come to see. You must believe and see that good things are in you. You-are-a-bundle-of-good kind of being. You are fearfully and perfectly made. You are the image of God. You are the beauty of the universe. Even as i write you the book of Genesis 1:31 still maintains that God sees you as good. There, God made one of the most powerful statements I have ever heard. “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Wow. Magnificent. Are you not part of the creation of God? Nobody should be allowed to demoralise, discourage or talk you down. You are the best. You are very good. You have a good destiny. This is not a year of doubt. This is not a year of fear. This is a time of total launch into the centre of your destiny. Only you must come with absolute resolve that it will end well for you. You must have your expectations in your eyes. Use your eyes. Philip said “Come and see”! Come and see the messiah. Philip said to Nathaniel come and see! See what? See Jesus, the messiah, who went about doing good, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and quenching the waves. Did he recognise what he saw? Yes. He called him teacher, the king of Israel. Nathaniel was flabbergasted as he came to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus was exceptional. Jesus threw a prophecy that mesmerised him. Jesus told him, Nathaniel, that even when you were under the fig tree i saw you. How did Jesus see him? How? My Jesus is all-seeing. He knows what you are passing through. That man cannot settle that case as Jesus Christ would. Come to Jesus. A lot of people have no plan to ever see the good in your pursuit. People think you are not going to make it. People actually believe that you are a failure. Nazareth is viewed as a place of horror, a place of touts, a place of hoodlums, a place of no destiny, a place of no good, a place of no favour, a place where the messiah cannot manifest or come from. But God disappointed them. The best creature, Gods son manifested from that place. The best shall come from you this year. Relax and come to Jesus for he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. Friends, there is a good God who made heaven and earth. He made everything good including Nazareth. He can choose a king from anywhere. He controls the world and is in charge of the sea, the wind, the road, the very thing you want to achieve. You must step out to God to get to that place which you want as Nathaniel did. You must recognise that God is powerful. Anything good you want is in God. You must come to God. You must know that it is in God that anything good can come out of you. You must come to know that you are a part of God and that you need Him. Jesus told a story about the vine. He said that I am the vine my father is the vine dresser, but you and I are the branches. He said that if we cut off ourselves from him we shall achieve no good. But if we stay with him we shall achieve greatness. Everything is possible with God. Good life is in God. He has integrity. He has faithfulness. He has wealth and long life. You can never come out good without Him. If with God all things are possible (Luke 1:37), and through Jesus Christ all things that were made was made (John 1:3), why then would you be without Jesus Christ this year? I mean, why? John, one of the apostles of Jesus wrote that, “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3). If you go to Hebrews (1:1-2) the bible recorded the same thing. The author of Hebrews captured the vision very systematically: “ God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” Heir of all things. Magnificent! Wow! Believe this, your good is in Jesus. The Jesus I preach to you has everything. He is God incarnate. And to get anything good and sustainable you must be part of Him! The only way to get that good in your life to manifest is through our lord Jesus Christ! Would you accept Him as Nathaniel did? Would you accept Him today? Say, YES! God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:15:29 +0000

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