Can any Tribal member(s) out there please explain to me why it - TopicsExpress


Can any Tribal member(s) out there please explain to me why it takes 3 Idaho State Police officers when dealing with a Nez Perce Tribal elder/senior citizen? I pulled over to assist our elder and inquire about the aforementioned incident. I asked what was going on and was told by one of the 3 officers on the scene that they were having a simple discussion with Clifford Allen. I stated It is a little suspicious that it would take 3 officers to have a discussion with one individual, (Clifford Allen). I was met with a direct threat to leave by one of the Idaho State Police (ISP) officers. His response to my question as to what exactly was going on was this...Can I ask you a question? (this directed at me)...I responded Yes...ask. He (ISP officer) STATED, not asked...You NEED to leave! I refused to leave. Furthermore, this officer apparently needs to go back to the elementary level of his educational institution and re-learn the difference between a QUESTION and a STATEMENT! I waited with Clifford Allen (tribal elder) and his wife Sylvia until the officer(s) left. No citations were issued Mr. Allen which raised my suspicion even further. The 2 ISP officers (the 3rd sitting in his patrol car) did NOT give me any kind of viable reason as to why they had our Tribal elder pulled over in the first place. Clifford Allen asked me, after the officers left the scene, if I would be willing to write a report of the incident... I agreed! I followed up by going to the ISP office located in North Lewiston and asked if I could get the name of the officers involved...and was given a poor excuse of an answer that they had no idea what was going on. I asked the officer You have dispatch...correct? How can you tell me you know nothing of the incident which happened between 4:50p-5:10p? They (ISP officers) each have radios in their patrol cars and it is required they radio in ANY and ALL incidents as they occur. GIVE ME A BREAK ISP! This most certainly is not the END. Clifford would like to meet with me about this and other incidences of wayward/discriminate justice practiced upon our own Nez Perce Tribal members, as well as people from other Indian Nations! Stay informed people!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 02:49:51 +0000

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