Can anyone go into the shows to film? If so, please contact Deb - TopicsExpress


Can anyone go into the shows to film? If so, please contact Deb Robinson. URGENT: Baby Hugo Needs Your Help Circus monitors urgently needed for Cole Bros. Circus On Sunday, April 27, entering the ring for his sixth Cole Bros Circus show in two days, three-year-old baby elephant Hugo fell. He got right up again, and proceeded to perform, as ordered. Fortunately, a dedicated and determined activist was filming not only this performance, but the 4:30 show’s, too – the one right before Hugo fell. Baby elephants do fall, sometimes, and it is not clear that Hugo’s fall was caused by anything more than baby clumsiness. After his fall, he had obvious difficulty completing some of the tricks he was made to do. Of even greater concern is that Hugo showed signs of hind leg problems in the afternoon performance, as well as after his fall in the 7:30 show. A huge thanks is due to Global Sanctuary for Elephants, who not only helped by reviewing and analyzing the films, but were able to compare with their own eyewitness and video background from attending the circus to monitor the elephants only a week earlier. A complaint was filed with USDA, asking them to examine Hugo for injury, and I have been told that they went out that same day to check on him. What I don’t know, and will have to file a FOIA request to find out, is what they found, or how carefully he was examined. I do not know if he is still performing, and I suspect that even if his handler, the notorious Tim Frisco, is not making him do tricks, they are still hauling him out in front of audiences twice or three times a day every day, because baby elephants are a huge attraction at a circus. They are selling tickets, bragging about the two babies, Hugo and his older sister Val, who have again been separated from their mother for the season. I don’t usually announce USDA complaints, but this is an exceptional situation. This video, of Hugo apparently injured and of Hugo falling down, was obtained because someone (who prefers to remain anonymous) was willing to go into the shows to film. So much information has been obtained over the years because someone was willing to go film the circus. They were willing to do that even though it can be painful to witness, and even if it kills them to be paying for a ticket, because that’s how we get eyes on the animals that are traveling around the country. We need more. We need to monitor Hugo, now that we know he appears to be injured. We need to see how he’s moving, and we need to see what Frisco is making him do. I’d be happy if we can get someone in to every single show, to film Hugo and Val and Chang and Lulu’s performance, and how they are handled during both performance and rides. Even though thats not possible, perhaps you could go to one show? Please go to Cole Bros’ website here: colebroscircus and click on “Calendar.” If the circus is headed your way, and you are willing and able to get in there and film, please message me privately, or email me at deborahrobinson1@gmail. Thanks!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:37:21 +0000

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