Can anyone here honestly prove that either side really gives a - TopicsExpress


Can anyone here honestly prove that either side really gives a f*** about americans? I thought this was about restoring america for americans? 1)when they are both get funded by the same interest group, 2)for the first time in american history vast majority of congress is millionaires/multi millionaires. they are disconnected from the real life of americans, How could they understand what its really like for us when the disconnect is so great? 3)most have worked at the special interest groups (corps,super pacs) that do the lobbying for bills that affect all of us except them like, 4) NET NEUTRALITY.... if either side really cared about america then why oh why did they both in unison allow this to be taken from all of us? 5)NSA, why oh why do they both in unison allow themselves the ability to spy on all of us? but outraged when its performed on them? Thats 5 simple points both side are guilty of on more then several accounts Stop picking another color of the same game, real americans we dont get to play the games that washington does, we have to scrape by to exist and struggle while the have so much excess. they dont care about us, they just want you to hire them or give them a promotion but keep them where they are and you where you are. businessinsider/congressional-wealth-heatmap-2014-1
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 08:58:10 +0000

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