Can i just put a warning out to people to not accept a friends - TopicsExpress


Can i just put a warning out to people to not accept a friends request from someone called olive joanne, a few months ago when i found out i had come into remission a troll took it open themselves to say some nasty things too me for no reason (that i should of dies ect) she opened an account a couple of days after i announced my news on here called tejay sales i blocked her but a friend who had messaged her to have a go at her for what she was saying about me said that she either deleted her profile or fb deleted it after many people reported the account well iv just got a friend request from someone called olive joanne she added me yesterday but i ignored due to fact she had no profile pic well iv just gone on to her profile today she has no friends and only opened her account yesterday, she added me yesterday aswell seems like she opened the account and the first thing she did was send me a request i have no message from her she has no profile pic, no friends and i dont no anyone by that name seems to suspicious to me and very weird im thinking that shes some sort of troll account like that tejay sales think its needless to say im am NOT accepting her friend request just thought i would put it out there so you no not to accept a friends request from her, she may well be legit but i thought that tejay sales was legit at first so i know the signs if anyone wants to see what kind of troll this tejay is screenshots are in one of my albums, just have a really bad feeling that im right hope to god im wrong and if i am and shes legit then i will take this down and apologise just going on a gut feeling thanks for reading xxx https://facebook/olive.joanne.77 thats her profile
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:25:01 +0000

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