Can it be that perhaps everything we say and do is said and done - TopicsExpress


Can it be that perhaps everything we say and do is said and done with some kind of sick and perverted subconscious subservience to other people? What we say and do is said and done in anticipation for who will reject and accept us during their experience with our words and actions. Irrespective of how much we tell ourselves we are insouciant about how other people will judge us in their rejection or acceptance of us, we still cannot forget that there are specific conscious effects to ensue from our words and actions that we wish to experience and others we wish to avoid with people. The anxiety and incertitude we experience during our present moments are caused by our concerns for the future and our constant struggle for controlling it through the careful planning of our decisions which we hope will make ourselves appear to be competent and brilliant. It is odd that despite how much we try to be au fait with our careful planning, it is all done in vain as it never allows us to know certainly if it will define our success through other peoples unforeknowable and unforeseeable rejection or approval for what we have said and done. There is never any certainty, but rather only speculation, anticipation, and experimentation with the effects ensuing from all that we do and say. Howbeit, we still continue on with our careful planning as if we believe we can so shrewdly avoid other peoples rejection or the rejection of the people-induced and past-reflected predominant voice in our minds that is trying to guide our interpretations about how reality exists. With every word we speak, action we do, and belief we try to adopt, there are always distinct voices and images of particular people in our minds from our past experiences with them. These are the voices and images of people who we have admired and adulated throughout years, because of how they have used specific words and actions to trigger specific emotional responses within us that have forged our present personalities and caused us to experience what we want or what we think we want. These voices and images remind us of what we did and said then ago that elicited the responses we liked and want to re-experience and the responses we disliked and want to avoid like a plague. Perhaps the worry and concern for other peoples rejections and approvals for us is an unpreventable phenomenon within our consciousness. Perhaps it never ceases its control, but instead only varies in its intensity and level of control over us. The real battle or struggle of the mind exists in how much and how often we choose to allow these worries and concerns control us. Self-peace and self-love is a moment-by-moment choice that must be made for self-survival and sanity in this world that wants to unleash everlasting forces of torment and misery.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:53:27 +0000

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