Can l Encourage Somebody: I Got Testimony To Share. I Bought - TopicsExpress


Can l Encourage Somebody: I Got Testimony To Share. I Bought Breakfast of £2.99 (#855:00Naira) for Just 4pence (#11:00 Naira). God Is A Wonderful God! Im not going to tell or bore you about the guy that has no shoe or no leg and whereby, l got shoes. Nope! I just want to tell you how my obedience bought me unavoidable breakfast of eggs & bread this morning. And, how the same instructions, in the act of disobedience, cost another man of God £200, He was left with and had planned to send to his family back home. Sometimes, little money may make much sense to you. Actually, l begged God to send someone to bless me with just £2 or 3 pounds this morning to subside what l got in my pocket. Yesterday was the beginning of my preparation for Xmas. I took out my best & expenses pair of swedes shoes, which I bought for £45 or less, I think, over 4yrs ago (picture below). I decided to take it to the cobbler, to get the opening at the mouth (front), glued/ stick together. The cobbler asked me to collect it today by or before 12am with £3.50. Otherwise, the collection will be in January as he was closing business for holiday this year. Note: not that l can not afford to buy another one or expensive costly pair of shoes before now. But, lm into charity and giving. More so, I live purely, on the grace of God. I live my life as it was loaned to me. I dont really have life of my own when comes to financial living. Every little l got, l make sure l celebrate God in it, all the time. Like this Christmas; l am feeding the destitute/ street beggars we can afford, with little l got, along side with my group. To continue my story; l woke up this morning with £5 and 8 or 9 pence in my pocket. And that was all l got on me. Except, l want to go on overdraft. I yawned seriously for breakfast of eggs & bread, as soon as l woke up this morning. I planned to buy eggs & bread of average price of £2.39 or £2.99 from the money. That is, either 89p for packed of 6 eggs or £1.49 for packs of 12eggs (unlike my country, where you can just buy two eggs from aboki, shikena!) and agege bread for £1.50. So, l needed either £2.39 before I can have a breakfast of eggs & bread. Whereby, l needed to give cobbler £3.50 for collections of repaired shoes. All together, l needed average of £600 and l only got £5 and less than 29pence on me. I was hungry badly. It was past 12pm. I needed the shoes badly, as well. So, l cldnt sacrifice (let go) either of the two and I didnt have enough on me. As l was about to cross the street to the cobblers shop; there coming a nuisance beggar well known aged woman from my right. Nuisance beggar was the tagged name they gave the woman. NB; pls pardon me for calling that aged beggar woman, nuisance. I just want you to get the picture, same wise when king David called himself a wretched sinner. This woman was known in the street for act of begging for money on no reason. Whereby, she is been well looking after at the care home she is living. There was adequate facilities here, that give no one excuse to be a beggar. Hope everyone can see the reason why people tagged the old lady as nuisance beggar. The voice asked me to give her money. My impulse says; l dont have enough to collect my shoes and buy me breakfast of eggs & bread. So, l said to my inner voice, l dont have enough. The voice came back second time. If it is just penny, give it her. Never mind, if she appreciates it or not. Truly, this woman knows the value of each coins. She wld never say, thank you for the lower denomination coins. So, l gave her just 4 pence. The woman just collected it and worked away. When l got to the cobbler, I was thinking about pricing the charges down to £3, may be the £2 will still buy me eggs & small eyibo bread. To my surprised, when l asked the white man, the cobbler if l can pay £3:00, he asked me to go with my shoes, on charge-free-repairs and the guy wished me happy merry Xmas. I was dumbfounded. This must be miracle. Only a few eyibo can do you free service. Very very rare. My mouth was wide opened for couple of seconds. I cldnt thank the man (cobbler), enough. I crossed to the third street. I bought 12eggs and fresh agege bread. I got them, went back home and fried very delicious eggs for my breakfast. Lesson Point In This Testimony: - The value of money mentioned in this text may not necessary thrill you but it thrilled me, the testifier and I learnt a big lesson from it. - you may not likely appreciate what you got, until there wasnt anything again. - obedience is better than sacrifice. If the blessings going to be more than that, that is how obedience cld have got me the blessings. - when you are giving, never thought you are giving to the fellow but loan to God. - reassurance; if you life your life in such away that pleases God. Definitely, God will meet your need when you least excepted. And satisfied your mouth with sweet food. Second Scenario: My pastor friend, recently had similar experience l had this morning. He passed through the high street, aiming to catch money from ATM on his way home. When he came across a blind man with a plate for collections (arms), singing inside rain. The rain was like a flukes of winter drop. Not really rain. The spirit of God ministers to man of God to drop money from whatever he has in his wallet to the man. The spirit spoke to him twice and the MOG ignored the voice. He man shared his personal experience with me when he got home. Anyway, on getting to the ATM with few queue behind him. The MOG withdrew £200 from the catch machine but forgot to remove the cash from the machine. He only removed his ATM card and worked away. After 15/20mins, he regained his consciousness. And went back to the machine. The money has gone. *****MERRY CHRISTMAS******
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:46:26 +0000

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