Can one be saved outside Prophet Kacou Philippe? Extract of the - TopicsExpress


Can one be saved outside Prophet Kacou Philippe? Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe: Kc.63 / 15 The children of the devil think that somebody can live a good life with a pure heart and be saved without accepting necessarily what God is doing. Yet it is precisely what God is doing that is the Only Door of Salvation. 16 If your heart is pure and you are really good, it is impossible that God should not lead you here. In Noah’s Time, if your heart is pure and right before God, you will come into Noahs Ark. [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!] If you say that your heart is right in your own eyes, it is you who says it but it is when you enter into Noahs Ark that we will see that your heart is really pure. [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. 17 Let’s take Acts 10:1-3, it is question of Cornelius. Follow closely! [Ed: Brother Philippe reads… But a certain man in Caesarea, --by name Cornelius, a centurion of the band called Italic, pious, and fearing God with all his house, both giving much alms to the people, and supplicating God continually, saw plainly in a Vision … an Angel of God coming unto him, and saying to him, Cornelius!…]. 18 Well, the Bible says that he was pious! Then the Bible says that he feared God with all his house. I specify: … with all his house, his wife and his children. Then, the Bible says that he gave much alms to the people, not only to the people of the same family or the same synagogue as him but to all the people. And then the Bible says that he continually supplicated and fasted. But in Acts 11:13-14, it is said of Cornelius and he related to us how he had seen the Angel in his house, standing and saying to him , Send men to Joppa and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter, who shall speak Words to thee whereby *thou* shalt be saved, thou and all thy house . [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. . 19 The Angel did not come to strengthen him, or bless him or lay his hands upon him or tell him to spend a greater number of days fasting or tell him that he is saved but to lead him to a Man. 20 And today, even if you are a true Pastor, Prophet or other, and what you do goes up to God, God will never send an Angel to tell you to do a thing other than coming to the Prophet-Messenger of your Time for it is him who has the Keys of the Kingdom and the Words by which you will be saved, you and all those who follow you. [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. 21 All that Cornelius did was good but it was the Word of him that had the Keys of the Only Door of the Kingdom that was going to save him, him and all his house. Without that, he was going to find himself easily in hell. If he did not accept what God was doing in his days. You see? The proof that he was good, it was that he accepted what God was doing in his days. You see? What saves, it is the Living Word of God in your Time. 22 In the Beginning was the Word! God is not in a church but in the Word! And if it is the Word that has created you, you will never say: I am looking for a good church! but you will say: Where is the Prophet and the Gospel of my Time? [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. 23 Here, the angel says to him: All that you do is good. You go to church, you pray and you fast a lot, you are pious, you do not do evil, you fear God, you donate… but you will go to hell if you do not apply John 6:28 [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. And that is what the Vision of 1993 says. `… At the Appointed Time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has Eternal Life*. 24 And in Whoever, everybody must be counted and no matter who you are and what you are, no matter your faith and the purity of your heart, even if God sends you an Angel from Heaven, it is to lead you to what He is doing in your Time. [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. 25 And within this week, I asked a pastor if…I said to him: Sir, in Noah’s Time, could there be someone somewhere on the earth who was also doing the Work of God? And he could not answer. I took it back again: Sir, I mean in the Lord Jesus’ Time, while Jesus-Christ was preaching on earth, could there be only one person somewhere on earth who was also doing the Work of God?And his mouth was shut and thus will their mouths be shut on earth and in Heaven for ages to ages![Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. It is a question that is in store for them at the Judgment. [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!].
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 10:42:53 +0000

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