Can somebody read this and explain the assignment to me? I have no - TopicsExpress


Can somebody read this and explain the assignment to me? I have no clue lol. Dear Class, Here are helpful hints for your large STEP 2 scientific method paper worth 70 points due this THURS APRIL 3rd. PLEASE BRING ALL YOUR QUESTIONS TO CLASS ON TUESDAY SO I CAN ANSWER THEM FACE TO FACE IN MORE DETAIL THEN AN EMAIL. PLUS IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION SOME OTHER STUDENT MAY HAVE THE EXACT SAME QUESTION ETC. Again this outline below follows your hard copy assignment outline for the paper that you have had since the beginning of this semester You must write this paper per each section in order - so make sure you label all your sections separately and put into each section what needs to be there because that is how your papers will be graded. Remember this is your proposed study - you will NOT DO an actual study and will NOT HAVE any data collection at all - if you do an actual study you will receive an F on this project because you have not been approved by me or the college to do any actual research with any subjects (this would include your family, friends, co-workers, etc - you cannot do any data collection or actual study at all). SECTIONS FOR YOUR PAPER IN ORDER: 1) Summary of research - will be your introduction to your paper and your beginning summary and you need to cite one time here and explain your citation as well. You will cite your media source here. So a couple sentences of what your media source (current source is about), why it relates to psychology, and general quick outline to your paper. This is a short paragraph length. 2) Hypothesis - remember you need to have a prediction, two variables, a direction, and I would add a percentage also. Remember here you need to be decisive – so do not use words like maybe – or this might – so words for example like - Men and women 16 to 24 years old will text and drive at least 65% more compared to men and women 25 years or older. I have found using percentages to help make the HY clearer also to understand. You do not have to have a percentage. This is a sentence length 3) Hypothesis rationale - remember you need to cite 2 professional sources here and you need to explain them and how it relates to your study and your Hypothesis for 6 points PER EACH PER SOURCE, besides the last 2 points for this section also. So this is like 2 brief literature reviews per each of your sources - what they say, what they researched in their study, who were their subjects, what did they find, how does this relate to your HY, and then how does this relate than also to your proposed future study also, etc. Thus Smith and Smith (1999) relates directly to this writer’s HY because of __________. Thus you need 2 articles that actually did some sort of research in the past that relates somehow to your HY and your proposed study overall. These sources can be dated whenever. This is a large detail paragraph PER EACH OF YOUR 2 PROFESSIONAL sources where you will cite often per each source. 4) Method - you must pick one method to use (i.e. survey, interview, experiment, natural observation) and you need to explain WHY this is the best method to chose for your proposed study to study your HY. THIS IS GOING TO BE SURVEY, INTERVIEW, EXPERIMENT, OR NATURAL OBSERVATION AND SAY WHY YOU CHOSE THAT METHOD FOR YOUR PROPOSED RESEARCH ALSO. You can combine methods but that can be harder to explain. So this is one to three sentences. 5) Variables - you have to have 2 variables and identify them and operationally explain them well – Thus this student’s first variable is ________. It will be measured per the proposed study by _______. This student’s second variable is _________. It will be measured for the proposed study by _______. You need to have 2 variables for sure – for example in my HY above One variable is age – men and women age 25 years and older or men and women 16- 24 years old. This variable will be measured by subjects being placed in either the 16-24 age group per their age or the 25 or older age group again per their age. Second variable is - More or less likely to text and drive. This variable will be measured by more likely to text to drive by subjects answering that they text and drive more than 25% and less likely to text and drive will be measured by subjects answering that they text and drive less than 24% or not at all. 6) Subjects - be clear who, where would you find them- how would your recruit future subjects, and what is your future sample size (so how many), and why you would chose to have these subjects for your proposed study, etc. Thus this study will proposed to find subjects by setting up a booth in this _____ college open area and ask students who walk by if they are interested in being a part of the study. So you need to answer all the questions for this section. So for example - SUBJECTS/SAMPLE – WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO RECRUIT THEM FROM - HOW MANY SUBJECTS TOTAL – WHAT AGES IF NEEDED – WHAT OTHER CHARACTERISTICS IF NEEDED ALSO FOR YOUR PROPOSED RESEARCH. FOR EXAMPLE IF I AM PROPOSING TO DO A STUDY ON ELDERLY PEOPLE FROM 70-85 YEARS OLD AND ONLY RECRUIT AT A LOCAL WALMART FOR MY SURVEY – HOW I AM GOING TO MAKE SURE TO GET 70-85 YEAR OLDS TO FILL OUT MY SURVEY. This is a short paragraph. 7) Explanation of representative sample - make sure to explain why your sample is or is not representative exactly - most studies will not be a representative sample or be representative of the population - so you need to talk about each of these - the representative sample and the larger population, etc. Thus, this college sample from ______ is not representative of all college campuses due to _____ and ____ and ______. ALMOST ALL OF YOUR SAMPLES WILL NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE – HERE YOU NEED TO DESCRIBE WHY THEY WILL NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ENTIRE POSSIBLE SUBJECT POOL OF YOUR STUDY. THUS IF I AM STUDYING COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO ARE 18-24 YEAR OLDS AND ONLY PROPOSE TO DO A SURVEY AT NORTHWEST STATE – WHY IS THAT NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL 18-24 YEAR OLD COLLEGE STUDENTS IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES ETC. IT IS OKAY TO HAVE A NON REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE – YOU JUST NEED TO SAY WHY IT IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ENTIRE SAMPLE. ALSO THEN HOW THESE NON-REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE WILL HAVE AN EFFECT – THUS BECAUSE THIS SAMPLE IS NON-REPRESENTIVE THEN THIS RESEARCH MIGHT COULD BE APPLIED TO ______. This is a short paragraph. 8) Materials/stimuli - you need to have here a copy of your method - thus if you planned to do a survey you need to have a survey with questions here. Thus choose between a survey, natural observation, interview, or an experiment. For survey, interview, and natural observation have between 10-15 questions for the survey or interview and 10-15 checklist items you would look for in natural observation. For an experiment make sure you have all your steps listed clearly and in precise order. Be careful doing an experiment - it is probably the hardest method to use overall. You may list your method than directly in your paper OR you can have it at the end of your paper. If you have it at the end of your paper - please just refer to it than in this section - for example - Please refer to this students survey which is enclosed in Appendix A at the end of this paper.” 9) Procedure - here you need to tell me step by DEATILED and careful step how you would conduct your study if you were to do it. Please take you time on this section, be very descriptive so I would know exactly step be step how you would conduct your study here. ****Here you can list your steps in numerical order - so 1) ________, 2___________ etc - remember to include in this to get informed consent from the place you will recruit your subjects also and still used 3rd tense also. So this student would ______. Make sure you proposed to get informed consent from all of your subjects also. This should be a much longer section like your HY rationale section. So this should be ¾ of a page to a page. 10) Extraneous variables - every student will have ADDITION TO THE ASSIGNMENT (AT LEAST 3) of these variables - so please list at least 3 variables here and how you could or could not control each one and also then the effect of each of these variables. So this section is not about your 2 variables in your HY - but about other variables that you possibly cannot control for or can only limit some control over. For example, people may lie on a survey to make themselves look better in some way - which could than effect your proposed study by ________. So again you need to name the variable and if you can or cannot control for that variable and then also how could it effect your future study too. Remember you need a total of 3 variables here. This is a longer paragraph. 11) Ethics - please see pages 33-34 in your text book and LIST AND ADDRESS EVERY OF THE 8 ethical guidelines. You can list them one by one in this section also. So you need to list every one of them and then relate each one as to whether it applies to your study if so - how you will make sure it is followed and if it does not relate to your study. You can also say this ethic does not apply to this students proposed study, etc. However – almost all the ethics will apply to your research in some way. 12) Possible conclusions - you need to address here what conclusions there might be IF someone else did your proposed study and explain them well. Thus these are possible conclusions you see to your future proposed study - since you did not actually do the study and did not collect research. So please answer specially - If this students HY was proven than this would happen with the results ____________ and this may be some of the reasons why this may happen in the future ______________. If this students HY was not proven than this would happen with the results __________ and this may be some of the reasons why this may happen in the future_____________. You must cover BOTH if your HY was proven or not proven to get full points for this section. **Also at the end of your paper need a short general conclusion to your overall paper as well. 13) You need to spell check and grammar check your paper - and proof read it hopefully more then once to make sure it says what you want it to say precisely. Remember to check that you have all your section headings - and that you have the correct info in each section also. 14) You need to write in 3rd person, so for example use this student, this researcher, etc not I would do this. Remember most of your former papers you probably wrote in past tense - thus this students study found this ______ since you did not do an actual study you MUST write in future tense - this students proposed study will or might find etc. NOT this student’s study found this. **15) You have to cite within your paper whenever you paraphrase a source so make sure you cite whenever you are referring to your source. Also make sure also after you cite your source that I then know what you think that source than is stating. So for instance Smith and Smith (1999) state ............... and you cite what they say. Then you state something like - This student understands then that the HY is related to this source because of ________. **16) You must write in either APA or MLA. Please have author or a title and a year if you write in APA and also add the page if you have a direct quote. Please have author or title and a page for MLA. Please make sure to then to always have the author(s) if possible or a title and then always have a year of a page too. **17) You need to have a works cited page for MLA or a reference page for APA with all your sources that you used in alphabet order also. Remember your sources within text that you cited have to MATCH your works cited or reference page also. Remember you do not list full websites for this page please refer to how to do this correctly. **18) Please attach or cut and paste the sections of the 2 professional articles you used to your final paper - so that I know exactly what articles you used and what sections. DO NOT just provide a link to them - I want the sections of the articles and the actual pages of the articles that you used so I can clearly see where your sources came from. Thus if you use one page from a 25 page article – I just want the one page copied and attached so I can see what you used. Remember again that at NO time will you do any actual research - thus this is like you are a consultant to a firm and you decide to propose an idea to them in what you would like them to study in the future that would than help the firm out - but YOU WILL NOT DO ANY ACTUAL RESEARCH AT ALL - SINCE YOU HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED TO DO ANY RESEARCH - remember if you do actual research you will receive an F for this paper. Remember you want to have 2 professional sources that have already discussed and RESEARCHED your topic of study and your hypothesis and your 1 media source also for a total of 3 sources overall and you media source must be dated from the start of the semester so JAN 2014 to current. Please remember to complete ALL and EVERY section. Some students either due to time, just miss a section or more, or not knowing chose to just not complete a couple of sections which usually means than their grade is lower automatically 1 to 2 letter grades BEFORE the paper is even graded by me depending on which sections they do not complete. Thus if you do not complete a section you have no hope of earning any points for that section, etc. Also look at the paper like a math problem thus the higher pointed sections like the HY rationale and your procedure sections make sure you do not miss versus a lower pointed section, etc. ******Also you will be only earning points for sections that are done. Thus if you wrote the best HY rationale section I ever read in my life – but nothing else for the other sections of this paper– than you would get 14/70 points etc. Thus full points for the HY rationale section worth 14 points and NO points for any other section also. Please remember I can only grade what you turn in BEFORE the actual due date - so a) make sure to turn in the paper before the due date b) make sure to proof read your paper so that it makes sense – thus if you say you are doing an survey in the method section – but I then get to your procedure section and you are doing an experiment that does not make sense and your paper is very confusing. So your sections need to make sense for the entire paper. c) papers must be turned into me by 5 Minutes after class starts this THURS April 3rd. Good luck on writing your papers. Please remember to look at my feedback on your Step 1’s papers you have already and build upon that. Also please bring all your questions to class on TUES so I can answer them. Thus, you need to read through this message and make notes on any questions you want to ask me in class on TUES so you can ask them face to face which is always better then just an email. Plus you will be able to listen to other students questions also which can be very helpful also. My suggestion is that you have your hard copy outline for your paper and print this announcement message off also and have them both with you as you write your Step 2 paper. After your write the paper – then you go back and double check with both of these things to make sure you included everything that is needed for this paper. Below I listed common mistakes students have done in the past that brought their step 2 papers grade down. Thanks Amy BP Common mistakes included on Step 2 papers included: Not having a separate Sum of Research section at all Not stating clearly how your HY related directly back to each source in your HY rationale and/or not stating clearly enough detail here about each of your 2 professional sources – what did they do, what did they find, what did they conclude etc. and how did that study relate to your HY Not stating why you chose the method that you chose and why exactly. Not having your 2 VARS operational defined so they define one not BOTH of their VARS. Not stating how you would recruit your subjects very clearly or how many total subjects Not being detailed enough in the procedure steps – detailed step by step. Not having 3 total Extran VARS and/or not also stating how you would or would not control for them or what effects exactly that they could have on your future research Not listing all 8 ethics from your text and applying them clearly to your proposed project Not stating in the conclusion clearly If the HY was proven this would happen ____ and If the HY was not proven this would happen ________. Some students did not cite 3 total sources in the text of your paper which you needed to do or they cited full websites in their paper not proper citing. Some students work cited page of sources did not match what was cited in their paper Some students did not turn in a copy of their sources – remember this could not just be a link – it needed to be actual copies of the sources what paragraphs or pages you actually used etc. Some students did not include or just did not complete then their 10-15 survey questions, 10-15 interview questions, 10-15 observation checklist, or their 10-15 detailed step be step experiment checklist of what needed to be included also. Remember this is just one form – you do not actually do any research.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:55:00 +0000

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