Can the aggression of Christian sects and Pastors in India be - TopicsExpress


Can the aggression of Christian sects and Pastors in India be compared by the sad plights of Christians in Arab countries just like those in Iraq, Mosul by ISIS? Definitely not. The UN has posted 50 countries among them India and China and the rest are all Muslim countries. One of my friends who posted this did not at all have ulterior or bad motives to pinpoint Hindus BUT, I have deemed it worthwhile to put things straight. I will also not show and denounce the aggression of Christians on Hindus and the worst crimes against Hindus for many years and before Independence of India. The following is what I wrote on Israel Supporters! (renewed) In India, where Hindus are the overwhelming majority, the rights of minority religions have always been honored. Hindus have welcomed, embraced and lived peacefully among other religions for centuries. During those same centuries, Hinduism itself evolved into hundreds of strains, and thus Hindus are fully at home with many different traditions and viewpoints within their own faith. Hence, they are naturally tolerant of other religions, respecting the fact that each has unique beliefs, practices, goals and paths of attainment, and not objecting when the doctrines of one conflict with those of another. (HSM Today) Aggression takes many forms. Conversion is aggression and there is no comparison of the plight and ordeals like in Arabs countries. There are only a few localised cases in Orissa in India against Christian sects and pastors. Just a few years ago, the KKK was active in the USA and so many churches were destroyed as the sad plights of Christian Coptics in Egypt which I have written extensively and sided with them. In India, International media and the Churches made a hue and cry just to degrade, downgrade India and pressurize its politicians. The Bhagavad Gita, with a clear grasp of the historical, warns us against taking away the psychological comfort of people by unsettling their faith. According to the Bhagavad Gita, even those who worship other gods (anyadevatah), ancestral deities, elemental powers, if they do so with faith, then their faith is justified, for the Divine accepts every form conceived by the worshipper. Toleration is the homage, which the finite mind pays to the inexhaustibility of the Infinite. Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it. - Charles Dickens (1812-1870). Michael Arnheim author of Is Christianity True (Skeptics Bookshelf Series). Onward Chartered Soldiers, on to heathen lands, Prayer books in your pockets, rifles in your hands. Take the glorious tidings where trade can be done, Spread the peaceful gospel --- with a Maxim gun. Tell the wretched natives, sinful are their hearts, Turn their heathen temples into spirit marts. And if to your teaching they will not succumb, Give them another sermon with the Maxim gun... When the Ten Commandments they quite understand, You their Chief must hocus, and annex their land; And if they misguided call you to account, Give them another sermon --- with a Maxim from the Mount. Just as India (not even USA) is till now since 2500 years never attacked Jews and there are no anti-semitism, even at the same time, Syrian Christians were received and remained safe in the Divine arms of Mother India. Unlike in Muslim countries, Christians live peacefully with Hindus. Just think what would have happened if India were majority Muslims. This is bad from UN. Hindus accepts Jesus Christ but rejects Churchianity. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was among Indias most fervent nationalists, fighting for Indian independence from British rule. He was a Hindu to the core. He said: I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth living. Hindus and India has never attacked any country nor forced its culture on anybody nor on Christians and Muslims in India because, there is no conversion, however, this doesnt mean, others can do whatever they like like conversions. Religious freedom does not extend to having a planned program of conversion - Swami Dayananda Saraswati “Evangelisation in India appears to be part of uniform world policy to revive Christendom for re-establishing western supremacy and is not prompted by spiritual motives. The objective is apparently to create Christian minority pockets with a view to disrupt the solidarity of Non-Christian societies and the mass conversions of a considerable section of Adivasis with this ulterior motive is fraught with danger to the security of the state.” The CIA was involved in this. Read further below (2nd Comment/post) I hope this will help removing any misunderstandings. It is but normal that Amit Gupta and myself have jumped on this burning issue. Further reading himalayanacademy/blog/taka/2011/09/10/how-do-hindus-view-other-religions/ Today at Kauais Hindu Monastery A Daily Chronicle of Kauais Hindu Monastery HIMALAYANACADEMY.COM|BY HIMALAYAN ACADEMY Shekhar Mishra CIA recruitment and the church RELIGIOUS GROUPS expressed concern February 22 about a loophole in CIA rules that allows the U.S. spy agency to use clergy and missionaries, as well as journalists and Peace Corps workers, for covert work overseas.The rules forbid the CIA from hiring or establishing any intelligence relationships “with any U.S. clergy or missionary whether or not ordained, who is sent out by a mission or church organization to preach, teach, heal or proselytize.” But the Washington Post has reported that a little-noticed provision within those rules allows the CIA director to waive the ban in extraordinary circumstances.The rules covering CIA recruitment of missionaries were adopted in 1977 after an intense campaign by religious and civil liberties groups. The groups had raised objections to disclosures that the CIA had used clergy, journalists and academics in covert operations.Religious groups across the theological spectrum sharply criticized the loophole provision allowing the CIA to establish working relationships with missionaries, contending that such a move could endanger the lives of church workers in politically sensitive situations and undermine efforts at reconciliation and conflict resolution.World Vision, which has several hundred Americans overseas at any given time, declared in a statement that it often cooperates with government agencies but “forbids its staff to have any relationship with, or provide information to, any intelligence service or agency. The use of even one missionary to gather intelligence can cast suspicion on all Christian workers, foreign or national.” How many pastors and missionaries working in the jungles of Orissa, Chattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh are CIA agents? How many of them are directing the Maoists and offering them strategic guidance? Who is providing the Maoists with training manuals of the American army? Why did US establish consulates at Chennai and Hyderabad? Why did it bypass Bangalore and chose Hyderabad instead for its new consulate?
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 11:32:36 +0000

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