Can things get any worse!!!! Blood blood everywhere…..can’t - TopicsExpress


Can things get any worse!!!! Blood blood everywhere…..can’t get the vision out of my eyes. I have to type this or else I’ll fall apart and cry (and I don’t cry) after this ordeal. I have to stay strong as always. It’s still in my fingernails, doorknobs, soaked through coats jeans and shirts. Had to throw away the frozen blood soaked gloves too. It soaked through the pants through the boots and all over the paddock. It’s on light switches, area rugs where my boots have been….garbage can where I threw out my gloves, car handles where I had to grab towels from inside….too many puddles in the paddock….. Even 4 shots of Southern Comfort warm can’t dissipate what had transpired. I hate this winter! Was supposed to go shopping. Joan was over, it was around 3:00 and saw a horse go running beyond the pool barn, unusual. Around 4:00 I stepped out to feed the horses and saw my big Bear laying down, unusual for him at the far end of the paddock too. He saw me or heard me and got up and then I saw…..something wasn’t right. From the distance discolored snow and he mouth and his white stocking legs were red. My heart sank and just said F……..F…….F…..OMG! Called to the house that I had a bleeding horse and called the emergency vet. Blood was flowing like a hose from under his chin below his cheeks. OMG….got everything I could to stop the bleeding yet it soaked 2 towels and our gloves. Waiting for the vet was like an eternity as we held his heavy head and kept Bear awake and steadied his breathing while we kept things around the bleeding artery puddling up in our hands. Had to keep him awake too and yet careful so he would not fall on us at anytime he would give up. Evidently he had impaled himself on a tee post with a rubber cap! Must have slipped and got it. Being as tall as he was he had to come down pretty hard for there was a huge pool of blood at the top of the post and at the bottom besides all over the paddock. Thank God I went out when I did. I am so sorry Bear. When the vet finally arrived she was good. Calm cool and collective and caught the artery closed and sutured him as he was sedated and shaved his hair too. He was soooooo good but sooo heavy. I love this boy, he is a good boy, a passive fellow and sooo big. Then we covered him in a fleece home blanket because I don’t have horse blankets to absorb the sweat. Once he was sutured we tried to walk him around but he wouldn’t budge. The sun was going down now and we were frozen but adrenalin set in because now Barkley his huge pasture mate didn’t want to cooperate as we were trying to get Bear out to the round pen to separate him to keep him calm and not cause anymore chaos. We didn’t want the sutures to erupt. It must have been the smell of blood that drove the other horses and Barkley especially to become wild. It seems he wanted to get at Bear so Wally was to try and gather Barkley or keep him occupied while we took out Bear. Boy what a challenge and then Bear got a whole bale of hay to himself in the round pen and he decided to lay down right by the gate and we couldn’t close it. Damn! He is not one to kick so I went in and when he saw me he got up again and went down and then up again. When he got up he would lean his chin on the top bar of the round pen. Not good for the stiches so we decided to transport him to the vet clinic for 24 hour observation and IV for the blood loss he suffered. He loaded like a trouper but I had 1001 thoughts running through my head, thinking he would be found dead and hung by his halter once we opened the trailer hatch. We stopped and parked by the clinic and I hopped out and peeked in, couldn’t see anything but called him name and he whinnied. Whew, thank God he was okay. Once out, he didn’t even panic and we put him in their stall and I kissed his blood soaked nose and wished him well as we parted. He looked good and I hope he will be good all night and that I don’t get a phone call because that will be bad news. I sure wish I didn’t love animals so much, this is just very hard. I dread going to sleep tonight…….Saying my prayers all night. God please help him.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 05:03:59 +0000

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