Can we make a buzz feed for Why my moms crying like they have for - TopicsExpress


Can we make a buzz feed for Why my moms crying like they have for why my kids crying? I cant make this stuff up. The following is a true story: let me preface by saying that my children have and have always had the ability to make themselves throw up for attention. Its my kryptonite to give in to whatever it is they are crying about. Ok. Here goes. The last 7 days have been filled with sickness in this house. Flu along with a 12 hour stomach bug. Nixon was the only one with flu but the stomach bug has made its rounds through all 5 of us. I have cleaned up more throw up and crap over the last week than I ever care to again. So today I decided I was going to clean and I mean clean. After getting up and making breakfast for the family I got to work. I cleaned walls. I cleaned baseboards. I cleaned cabinets. I washed all bedding. I cleaned those parts of the toilet most people dont really clean usually. (Come on you know you only clean the bowl and the seat.) I even had Chris go rent a rug doctor so I could shampoo the carpets. Chris got called into work and then to help a friend and left early today so Ive been doing all this while running after 5 kids. This isnt the part where Im wanting sympathy. All that was fine. Im just setting this scene for you. I will need major sympathy by the end of this post. At 8:00 after having cleaned for the last 11 hours I finally finish and its bedtime for the kids. I get them in bed and sit down on the couch for the first time today. My youngest likes to drop his bear on the floor and then cry about it instead of rolling over and reaching down to pick it up. Trying to break the habit of going in there and getting it for him and the fact that I am exhausted I just let it be in hopes he will just get it himself. Cut to 5 minutes later. The girls start screaming. Run in the living room momma! Momma! Nixon just threw up ALL over the place! It was just spraying and spraying everywhere! Are you f-ing kiddin me???!! Yes. All over the bed, wall, bedding, and carpet that was just totally clean and disinfected now has vomit dripping! And we begin the process again. #whymymomscrying #thisshitonlyhappenstome
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:39:38 +0000

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