Can we please stop this delusional, absurd, utterly ridiculous - TopicsExpress


Can we please stop this delusional, absurd, utterly ridiculous concept of dismantling terrorists organizations around the world thru Xbox controlled remote airstrikes?? The ONLY way to rid ourselves of this plague is to go into the major cities of these countries to regain control and some sense of stability so that REAL governance can be established...FOREVER. And yes, unfortunately that will require US presence...ON THE GROUND....perhaps FOREVER...or as long as it takes! We spent billions in blood and treasure to establish this ALREADY, and by all measurable standards, we accomplished it after the last surge in Iraq....only to allow our numbnut pacifist President get us right back where we were before we ever started in that Middle Eastern uncivilized hellhole. Its a crying shame we have completely squandered every inch of effort and gain our military men and women made in this part of the world....for absolutely nothing in return. THIS IS NOT A DAMN VIDEO GAME, AND YOU HAVE TO BE REALLY STUPID TO THINK ANY MAJOR MUSLIM COUNTRY, GROUP, AFFILIATE, OR OTHER FORCE IS GOING TO CARE ABOUT OUR COUNTRY, OUR SECURITY, OR OUR INTERESTS OVER THE LONG HAUL in this new age global society. It is up to us...the US military...and a very few peace loving allies....period. None of us want war...ever...but we have the worlds largest and most mighty military for a reason. We have not spent trillions of dollars on our military budget over the decades to sit back and allow the world to turn out however it may turn out while we sit on our thumbs or play video games with radical religious lunatics. Its past time we learn to use the worlds largest military complex efficiently, quit hand tying our troops in combat, and quit prosecuting military members for killing foreign enemies, whether by accident or not. Collateral damage is a part of all wars, that hasnt changed because the IPhone 6 is out now. Let them kill every bastard that looks at us wrong and instill complete fear in those barbaric Muslim cave dwellers to make it absolutely clear to the world that their ideology is UNACCEPTABLE. Its time we start being the superpower for peace in the world that we have the responsibility to be before its too late...but unfortunately we need a REAL AMERICAN leader to accomplish that goal...not a freaking partisan political spokesperson with zero military or leadership experience. Good speeches and a nice tan wont get the job done unfortunately....historic or not. Im done here...Ill go back to my normally light hearted humorous disposition now. Thanks for allowing me to vent ;)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:03:54 +0000

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