Can we re-name it Corporatist Horror because for me that is the - TopicsExpress


Can we re-name it Corporatist Horror because for me that is the greater context in falls in, and there can be little honor in mass murder for profit, nor in celebrating death, nor in promulgating Islamophobia hate speech -- as if the violence, chaos, and death were caused by them. The movie is pumping up heinous criminality, as if saving American lives, which is designed to kill more innocents whilst placing more troops in harms way. The best way to protect our troops is not with snipers, but by not sending them where there is no threat to America, and then to avoid pretending that wasting lives was somehow a value, when all it was so profoundly costly ( other than trillions in the bank for war profiteers like Cheney ) The thing to celebrate, is a growing awareness that colonizing usurpation is extremely expensive and unsustainable in both human and material ways, as dehumanizing the purported enemies is dehumanizing US all. The thing to celebrate, is no longer being as numbed out and dutifully following the warmongering authoritarian deceitfulness of corporatists interests, entirely opposite to the those of Americas common needs and interests -- as next to none of the wealth acquired was shared with us plain folks Worse still, [Americans] doesn’t know how to support their veterans beyond parades and platitudes, so 22 Vets commit suicide everyday, perhaps being unable to continue, unable to reconcile their lives with the lies of this movie, unable to regain any balance in such a twisted world ( war in peace ) of stark disappointments and deceits. AS IF a movie like this actually supports our own Vets need to heal and continue their lives -- in the larger context of life and truth. #SupportOurVETs The thing NOT to celebrate, are those despicably driven to kill needlessly more, to appear to be even more heroic. (The most disturbing passage in the book to me was the one where Kyle talked about being competitive with other snipers, and how when one in particular began to threaten his legendary number, Kyle all of the sudden seemed to have every stinkin bad guy in the city running across my scope. As in, wink wink, my luck suddenly changed when the sniper-race got close, get it? Its super-ugly stuff). ~ Matt Taibbi From rollingstone/politics/news/american-sniper-is-almost-too-dumb-to-criticize-20150121?page=3
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 15:44:58 +0000

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