Can we reason together in all honesty for once? Before we go to - TopicsExpress


Can we reason together in all honesty for once? Before we go to the polling booths, let’s tell ourselves the truth. Maybe this time, we can manage to do it with all sincerity and reasonability if we truly want to do the right thing. We cannot just continue to join the bandwagon based on what propaganda we have been allowed to consume because of our wish for a greater Nigeria. Have we asked ourselves why the expected change had to come from those that have never been sincere in their lives? Have we wondered if we are just an instrument in the hands of selfish men or a proscribed conspiracy? First, for all those that have become super stars because they have decided to proclaim the message of change, can we for once ask what change they provided when they had the opportunities to do so? You honestly know that the Bola Ahmed Tinubu you know that has never been a sincere man is now the center point of these change. How did our reasonability go this bad? If you cannot in all sincerity to yourself honestly believe that Bola Tinubu is a righteous man, how then would you believe that Tinubu after acquiring the estates of Lagos State, expanded his business empire to the south-west of Nigeria where he controlled all the governors except Mimiko of Ondo State, and recently Ekiti state, is advancing his attempt to acquire the empire called Nigeria. And you truly believe that the best you could do in the situation is to make it a lot easier for him by being his mouth piece? How on earth did it get so bad? It has gotten to a point where his preferred stooge is a man without certification and very bad dictatorial records of the past, but yet, Tinubu’s manipulation has managed to get to you. If I was to tell you that you can be hypnotized by a carefully planned mechanism of propaganda, you would probably say I am building a castle in the air, but as you can see that if you do not think properly, you will sure believe you are on the right path. That is how effective the tool called strategic propaganda can work. Even if I do not go far, have you asked yourself why those rejected in the PDP while on its transformation of the party has suddenly become strong agents of change as the ally with Bola Ahmed Tinubu? You may need to redo an assessment of your thinking capacity. Have you also noticed how you are quick to be in support of all those you swore were the destroyers of Nigeria? Have you asked why you are now assuming that Nigeria is so bad that you need change even when those in the forefront are our past criminals and dictators? Because of these strong perceived mechanism at work, I sincerely request that you take an assessment of my submissions. Have you ever considered if these proclaimed change is a two faced conspiracy? That of the conspiracy to return power to the north riding on the greed of another strong Machiavellian scheme to take over an empire. Remember the allocations of the oil blocks in the Niger Delta will be expiring by the year 2018. Could this be the motive? There is an ongoing strategic scheme on who will be in control of those blocks by then. Remember that the oil blocks in the south are being owned by a section of the country. And the Rich baron possibly intends to be in charge, while those that are presently in control are not in a hurry to loss their grip on it. Where do you come in there? Supposing you have been schemed to be a pawn in these powerful game play where two powerful players conspired to design a strategy to tell you what you want to here just to make a success? I find it necessary to ask you to carefully analyze what you have been told are the reasons for this change. Is it really true that this administration is worst that all you have known? Remember that it is only this administration that decided to reduce its dependency on oil and focus on non-oil products to build its economy. It is only this administration that decided to go on a massive reconstruction of abandoned roads. Remember that it is only in this administration that thought about rebuilding the second Niger bridge that was first included in the 1979 budget but never saw the light of the day till 2013. It is only this administration that found it a necessity to bring back the trains that was almost swept into the Nigerian history books. Most of us only see it as a déjà vu. I am taking it upon myself to ask you to do a review on your thoughts as you prepare to vote. Remember Egypt and Libya as you vote. Remember that they also wished for change that its need were sparked by those that felt aggrieved because of their exclusion from the scheme of things. Remember that this kind of rushed change has never worked successfully. Remember that Egypt and Libya has not been the country they were known to be in the past again because of their schemed need for change. Note that the massive crowd were used as pawns for those that needed to divide and rule to take the center state. What will be the fate of Nigeria if it is controlled by the same man that decides whoever takes an appointment or not in Lagos, Osun, Oyo and Ogun State? Even in your beloved state, to be a counsellor, the powerful schemer will have to endorse you. How can you in your life time allow that to happen in the name of seeking for change? I once again ask you that before you leave for the polling booth, remember that men have gathered and are feasting in their private parlors because they believe you have been a successful pawn in their hands. I may hold this administration responsible for not seeing the need in educating you on its achievement, maybe because it underrated the power of information. But I am also constrained to believe that a just man speaks less. But those that have been aggrieved will speak louder and prefer we all lose out in this success. For even in the days of King Solomon when he was ruler of all Israel, he stood as a judge to his people when two women entered his chambers to be judged concerning a living child and that, which was dead. In the dramatic audio Bible, the voice of the lying woman was louder while she insisted that her justice will either be to give her the living child or split it into two. Meaning that the living child should also die as long as her child is dead. Yet, her voice was louder. The voice of the righteous woman was more calm yet with more tears, that in her love for the child, she had wished that she losses the child as long as he lives. In a more confused voice, she asked that the life of the child be spared. If King Solomon had gone the way of a propagated loud voice, he would have done the bidding of the lying and desperate woman. But in his wisdom, he carefully assessed both speakers, and for his just judgment, his name has been known to this day. I therefore ask you to listen to the quiet subconscious voice that speaks to you as you go out to vote. We cannot afford to take Nigeria backward because a few men lost out of their largess. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to all the transformation going on because it has not been shouted as loud as the change agents are shouting. No, a man that speaks the truth, talks less. Only the lying and desperate voice speaks longer and louder. I speak the words of wisdom to you as a fellow compatriots today. I tell you to keep your reasoning ability intact, for the souls of the deceived are full of regrets, but that of the firm shall have a justified conscience. How on earth could a lying propaganda consume you to the point that you suddenly do not see the need in education you have struggled so hard to achieve? How can one without education be the best choice to be your leader all of a sudden? How on earth can one with a history of violence be the sudden messiah? Remember that the insecurity you have today was as a result of the scheme to return power to the Fulani north. How could you have suddenly forgotten because the paid news wanted you to do so? How on earth could you see a man that speaks less as the cause of falling oil price, according to the Enugu supposedly man of God? There are some allegations that a wise man should strike off from making a consideration based on it. Only those that are intellectually hypnotized will believe that this administration is the most corrupt after Nigeria has moved from the second most corrupt country of the world to the 37th. Only the deceived will believe that those that kept Nigeria at the initial position has a justification to call this administration corrupt. I pray you all, that as you vote, you remember the growth in our Agricultural sector like never before, the sustainable environment that has been developed for power stability. That you remember that for the first time in our history, the less privileged Almajiris have been given not just a school, but a scholarship to place them in the same level as their age groups. Remember our airports that depleted continuously had been found worthy of rehabilitation. Remember the roads to the eastern parts of Nigeria how it used to be, remember how it is now. Could it have been done by the worst government as painted for you to believe? Remember, that for the first time in our history, our votes can count, remember that during the government of those that speak as saint now, your votes never mattered. It will not take a corrupt man to allow your votes counts. Think hard my fellow compatriots. Remember that our private sectors have been given a boost never like before. With the power given to your votes, you can either choose to lose the power of your votes, or strengthen that power by retaining its facilitators. It is your choice. But please, do not take Nigeria back with your votes. With your votes, you can do as Ahmadu Bello instructed that “THIS NEW NATION CALLED NIGERIA, SHOULD BE AN ESTATE OF OUR GREAT GRANDFATHER, UTHMAN DAN FODIO. WE MUST RUTHLESSLY PREVENT A CHANGE OF POWER. WE USE THE MINORITIES IN THE NORTH AS WILLING TOOLS, AND THE SOUTH, AS CONQUERED TERRITORY AND NEVER ALLOW THEM TO RULE OVER US, AND NEVER ALLOW THEM TO HAVE CONTROL OVER THEIR FUTURE.” It is your choice to either remain a willing tool and conquered territory, or making Nigeria the home that you have with all the rights and control of your future. With your votes, you can as well decide to increase their conquered area through Bola Ahmed Tinubu as prophesied by Mallam Bala Gauba “THE CONQUEST TO THE SEA IS NOW IN SIGHT. WHEN OUR GOD-SENT AHMADU BELLO SAID SOME YEARS AGO THAT OUR CONQUEST WILL REACH THE SEA SHORES OF NIGERIA, SOME IDIOTS IN THE SOUTH WERE DOUBTING ITS POSSIBILITIES. TODAY HAVE WE NOT REACHED THE SEA? LAGOS IS REACHED. IT REMAINS PORT-HARCOURT. IT MUST BE CONQUERED AND TAKEN.” Today, through Bola Ahmed Tinubu and your votes, they will get to the far geographical eastern Nigeria in the carefully conned name of “CHANGE” It is left for you to decide that Nigeria is meant for all. For those that are aggrieved and you believe it its best that since you don’t have, nobody should have, remember that you are one and the same like the woman with the dead child that preferred the living child to be dead as long as yours is dead. What will you stand to gain? Please note that it can only take a great grandson of Usman Dan Fodio to rule Nigeria without an educational qualification. If you doubt me, try getting an office job with an affidavit. I hold no grudges on you, for even supposed men of God have conflicted themselves in their prophesies. They have made their gods, a god of confusion because of the power invested in this propagated strategic message of the chess ponders. All I ask is that as you leave your house on the 14th of February, if you believe in God, ask him for guidance, if you don’t, take a second while to think of how the country was in the past administrations and how it is now. It will help you more if you do a detail comparisons of notes.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:33:52 +0000

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