Can we see the ghee in curd, no... It has to b churned n d butter - TopicsExpress


Can we see the ghee in curd, no... It has to b churned n d butter is heated in pan. Only then u taste ghee. U r being churned n heated to experience God. God is not sitting with 10 hands in some gold chair in d sky. U & I r God in our purest state, which in pure consciousness. We r not clocks that stop working one day. The purpose of life is not transitory happiness. We r consciousness embodied n stuck up in d illusion of mind. Sufferings turn us inside to reality, until we finally realize there is actually nothing to worry. Why this drama then, u may ask... An examples, Pure gold cannot b made into jewel, so copper is added to make d jewel. Then to purify gold u put in arsenic acid. The Divine which is One pure consciousness of eternal ever new joy, to experience its own bliss of the ultimate self, becomes many. Formless assumes form, timeless as time, spaceless as space. But never separate, it Co exists transcendentally... Read quantum physics for our language understanding! Creation IS the Creator.. When your trainer strengthens physical muscles, But u grow, expand in street. Likewise life is our trainer, exclusive exercises for each one, but wen the process is on we scream, I cant take it any more, it hurts, but wen d imprisoned consciousness missed n messed in spiritual amnesia, begins to awaken, through emotional deaths & all other sufferings when reaching an extreme & we realize all that can b done is to let go, We begin to understand & gratitude joy boundarieless oneness start becoming our tangible experience... Until then, u saying God is not & me saying God is, All r mere ideas. What makes u feel good, u believe & the same for me too. Once we experience u will not be asking this & I will not b answering this, for, we will simply know both mean the same. Standing from different Sides we r pointing at d same truth. Now we r just caught up n playing with words n ideas. Just drop n relax, for, All roads lead to Rome.... :)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 07:27:48 +0000

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