Can we talk? Communication for marriage couples we communicate - TopicsExpress


Can we talk? Communication for marriage couples we communicate in various ways. Land the plane communicators want to find the shortest path to the goal. Enjoy the ride communicators think you might as well relax and enjoy the ride. the trip itself is what its all about. Share your feelings vs just the facts communicators. Just the facts communicators set aside emotions for logic,reason,and fact.For them,emotions interfere with good thinking. Thinking out loud vs Lets take turns communicators Thinking out loud communicators ask questions and make comments as soon as the thought occurs even if the other person happens to be talking at the time. For them,conversation is a group activity. Lets take turns communicators use the principle of justice and fair play to govern communication.conversations are simple: first you talk,and then i talk. which one is you and your spouse pick one is it land the plane,enjoy the ride,share your feelings,just the facts,thinking out loud,lets take turns. Misunderstanding can develop when we are at opposite ends of these styles. We must allow freedom for differences in communication bu adjusting our style to honor each other. We communicate on various levels understanding deepens with increased levels of communication. effective communication with your spouse is an on going process. caution anger can sabotage communication. But now you must put them away:anger,wrath,malice,slander,and obscene talk from your mouth. colossians 3:8 you may have communication habits that need to be broken. Work this weekend to develop new habits for communication. put on....passion,kindness,humility, ,meekness,and patience. colossians3:12 How to listen well. Many people want nothing more than someone to care enough to listen to them. ...let every person be quick to hear,slow to speak,slow to anger.james1:19 Four tips on listening well: Give focused attention. ......listen to me,and be attentive to the words of my mouth.proverbs 7:24 Listen with acceptance and understanding. By wisdom a house is built,and by understanding it is established.proverbs24:3 Ask clarifying questions;make summarizing statements. Are you telling me that....? Can you tell me more about what you said...? Focus on what is being said,not the way it is being said. How to express yourself well. Carefully chosen words are the best way to express thoughts,feelings,and desires. Four tips for expressing yourself . Think before you speak.Determine what you want to say and when to say it. A man has joy in an apt answer,and how delightful is a timely word! proverbs 15:23 Not everything you are feeling needs to be expressed. sometimes silence is best. When there are many words,transgression is unavoidable,but he who restrains his lips is wise.proverbs 10:19 Ask to make sure you are being understood. speak in a way that encourages. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion,that it may give to those who hear.ephesians 4:29:) -tina
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:36:00 +0000

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