Can you accept Boaz for what he really is??? Ruth 3:10 And he - TopicsExpress


Can you accept Boaz for what he really is??? Ruth 3:10 And he said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my daughter: for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich …..I taught this Sunday but wanted to share this thought today. To set the scene here is Ruth a widow woman who has come from the land of idolatry to live with her Jewish widowed mother in law in Bethlehem. With a little guidance from her mother in law she finds herself in pursuit of Boaz the rich land owner. When I was studying Ruth for my lesson Sunday, I had forgotten that Boaz was the son of Rahab the harlot who housed the spies in Joshua. In Matthew 1:5 is mentions her as Rachab, but she is the same Rahab. I have often wondered why Boaz was not snagged already before Ruth got to him. Could it have been that many of the self righteous Bethlehem “ite” woman looked down at Boaz because of his mother and never would consider him? Or could it have been that because of his wealth and prominence in the community that many women had thrown themselves at him and because of his mother’s history he refused women with a harlot approach, maybe he wanted a woman that he didn’t have to share with others? How many women missed their chance with Boaz because they were either too judgmental or too promiscuous? This made me think of my life and how I almost missed my Boaz…..before George and I dated I had some Naomis in my life. George and I worked at Dixanna Mill and several of the older ladies were telling me how great of a guy he was. First there is a 10 year difference in our ages which is no big deal now but at the time I knew my mama and daddy would throw a fit!!! Secondly, George was a great guy…..BUT he was a red-neck!!! LOL I remember telling the ladies one night at break “He is a red-neck, I grew up with red-necks all my life and I refuse to date one!!” Well almost 20 years later after saying yes to my Boaz I realize…That red-neck was the best man that could have ever taken my hand and walked beside me through this life. When we look at the book of Ruth in types and shadows Jesus Christ is our Boaz…..We have to accept Him as He is. Self righteousness would say I can make it on my own I don’t need a Savior. Living a Spiritual Harlot lifestyle would say, He will love me no matter what I do no matter how many other loves I have. God has made a way of escape and provided us with a Boaz, The love of Christ far surpasses any earthly love we can experience…..We have to accept Him as He is and know that He is jealous for our love and affection and will not share us with any other gods. 2 Corinthians 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 15:00:16 +0000

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