Can you design your life? Craig Ballentyne describes how he did - TopicsExpress


Can you design your life? Craig Ballentyne describes how he did it, by defining his life goals & then designing both his long term, short term, & daily objectives around them. There is a sense in which we all have to do this; the alternative is that others will do it for us, be they spouses, family members, or just employers (if you have one). My long term life goal: defining the next Stage civilization should progress toward (given that the materialistic & technocratic Third Stage has failed & left us miserable; & that the postmodern Fourth Stage hasnt provided us with any viable way out). Most of my serious thinking since around 2012 has been about this. Sorry, fellow believers, but I do not believe we can simply say something like, God will take care of it. I know of no commandment, anywhere, that we should sit on our rear ends & allow Him to do all the heavy lifting. Maybe I just missed it. Objective for January: begin creating a dialogue on this need by submitting my first article on the subject to a refereed journal (submission date: 31 January). Other goals for 2015: continue growing my marriage; travel more & see more; learn more Spanish; finish at least one book-length manuscript.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 14:43:22 +0000

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