Can you forgive me? Actually, its none of your business whether - TopicsExpress


Can you forgive me? Actually, its none of your business whether another person can forgive you or not. Its only their business. Its about them, not about you. It is up to you to recognize any error on your part and correct it as much as possible. The real value in that will be whether or not you make the same mistakes with others. Being forgiven is a timeline that you cannot control. Neither you, nor the person youve offended. It happens when it needs to happen. It may not happen at all. Your worry about being forgiven is useless. Your resolve to learn from the experience and not have to repeat it is the only value. Otherwise, you will repeat the same mistakes over and over. But there is a sticking point to learning from mistakes. We will repeat them until we understand why we were justified in making them in the first place. Justification is the insecurity of an arrogant ego that says you can do something to someone else that is less than love and respect. And when you look in that mirror long enough, and turn around all your justifications, examining them from every angle, putting yourself in the others place, you begin to realize that the bullets of blame you shot at them for their part is the real illusion. You were shooting into the mirror of yourself, shooting into your own heart. And so having them forgive you is also an illusion, because you wounded yourself. And when you do that, only you can forgive you. The sorrow, suffering and tears are meant to bring you back to love. The love that calms the insatiable arrogance of your own ego, which restores love for others. And the approach to that other person of being truly sorry will facilitate healing. That kind of sorrow is the contrite heart of Im sorry, I want to restore love between us. The rest will happen as it needs to. And even if forgiveness from the other person never happens to your knowledge, you have liberated yourself, and thus given permission for others to liberate themselves to heal the way they need to. You have restored love, and love is the only healing there is.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:13:15 +0000

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