Can you imagine blasting through books at 25,000 words a minute? - TopicsExpress


Can you imagine blasting through books at 25,000 words a minute? We’ve been teaching people how since 1985, and for the first time you can learn this super-fast reading method free online beginning July 29. Combine this 25,000 wpm technique with other techniques you’ll learn, and you will be understanding books THREE TIMES FASTER than you can now. (Yes, the human mind has astonishing capacity.) So far almost one million people have the PhotoReading book. Hundreds of thousands have the self-study course. And tens of thousands have attended the seminar (we are licensed by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education to teach PhotoReading, we have 95 instructors, and PhotoReading is taught in 16 languages). You can use the self-study course for free during one week in July in an online event called the “PhotoReading Mindfest.” Learn more and get your Free Pass here: learningstrategies/PhotoReadingMindfest/home.aspx?aff=7943. No strings attached. PhotoReading is different from speed reading, systematically easier, and more effective. You can use it on all types of reading, including highly technical material. As a result of learning PhotoReading, you can: * Be more knowledgeable * Ease your workload * Get better grades * Improve your job skills * Earn more money (good readers earn 2-1/2 times more than poor readers) This is something you should share with every high school and college student you know—a week learning PhotoReading now will make next year easier and more valuable. Get your Free Pass today if you don’t already have one. We’re expecting over 250,000 participants, and we’d love you to be a part of it. For your personal best, Pete Bissonette (I’m president of Learning Strategies, host of the PhotoReading Mindfest, and I’ve been PhotoReading since 1985. It’s an amazing process, and I hope you take time to learn it. Just remember it is only free for one week beginning Monday, July. Write back with any questions. Pete)
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 19:08:33 +0000

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