Can you remember I told you some time ago, that; With gratitude - TopicsExpress


Can you remember I told you some time ago, that; With gratitude comes Charity. Paul said that CHARITY is one of the greatest gifts of the Holy Spirit. The very special thing with charity, as far as I have learned that it is so welcoming, like a tremendously pleasant volume inside of us, whose greatest worship is to receive and to be filled, as a consequence of giving our deepest love to the Lord and King we so adore!!! Whose praise is the will of the Father, manifested. In us!! In us!! IN US!! Different from the way of charity as we know and see in worldly, carnal cultural traditions and teachings of doctrines. The Holy Spirit involve very personally in the business of redemption, and freedom from boundaries, this also means cultural boundaries, the kingdom has some other statutes to walk by. Intirely another culture. Born in the Holy Spirit, uptained by Him, in unspeakable joy, LIKE WATER, LIKE POURING WATERS. What in old days was called sanctification, is much of the substance of charity, I believe. As Jesus so accurate teaches, there is a prise, a Cross, that EVERY INDIVIDUAL independant of you personal state, you may be beaten to the grown, you may be senceless tired, you may be anything, but chose to pick up and hold on to that Cross, in order to go trough. I know some people, some beloved brethren who has this tremendously burning desire in their heart, that the graceous outpouring of the Holy Spirit that now is seen in their own flock, shall remain to the next generation, and the next. I have the same desire for them, for all Gods people, and for myself, and every individual of the whole of the Family of Christ. Outpourings have come, like droplets and brooks of water from the Lord, and now it is flowing again. I have a desire that these seeds If I may Call it that, that God has put in my heart, may be perfected so they may burst when matured well enough after the Gardeners own will,, by the Power of Christ, who fills all things, in all of us. It is an amazing thing to observe a seed grow, it is so perfectly adapted to the soil, it knows where the light is, it knows in which direction the roots need to grow, it knows when water is needed and when to thirst. And to suck trough those small hearlike or featherlike threads on its roots, . God has built into it a knowledge from within Himself, by which He is observing it day and night, He does not move His eyes away from it for a fraction of a second. He is pouring a knowledge about the condition of the soil in which it is resting. And of the level of moisture it needs to evolve rightly. There is a distance between the seed and another seed, if they rest too close to the other they will suck nutrition from each other. Each needs its own nutrition, each receives from the same Gardener. If the distance is right they will become perfect in their growth and become strong and fruitful plants. If not the plants may be small and the fruits thereof may be immature in its growth and turn sour. I believe the reality of the Kingdom of God, is something similar to these seeds. From the basic God wants to give each of us two seeds. He wants to plant them so that they can root deeply in the soil of our inner man and develope in a heavenly Perfect harmony with each other. You know like notes rightly written can make a tremendously joyful sound. Lets just say; that the one seed is Christ, the Lord. The other seed is the Holy Spirit. As far as I have tasted and tried for many years, I know this, we dont need any other seeds in our lives. None, Exept those Our Heavenly Father, the Mastergardner so pleasantly will provide to each of us individually. We need none other. Whatever else has been said, I have tasted this, and I know that those two seeds Is ment to be abundantly, pleasantly more than enough. The God that gives nutritence and water them both day and night, will make a tremendously fat, extremely nutritious, moistered and soft soil. Aired and fresh by the breath of the Gardner, , not full of grid and stones, departing, drying up, scattering from within and smouldering away as soon as the evil wind pass over it.. I have learned that If I fill this soil of mine with too many other seeds, or allow someone else to put seeds of another kind in my soil, the two seeds, even if they are planted deep, and the roots grow all the way to the bottom of the soil, even connected to the Gardener, eventually they will be weakened, and it may jeopardize the Growth that God actually intended for me, so the seeds will not come up the way they should to bear the good fruits that Christ desires to eat. It deeply grieves my heart to know this. He deserves more than everything from me.. My siblings. The hope which I fervently holds on to, which I humbly, again welcome you to please join me in prayer over, is the deep desire I have to draw near, to be drawn near to His heart a second time, and yet again receive a renewed outpouring of His power of love, and by the Holy Spirit that He is the giver of, to do the works I was intended to do after His heart. I need Your prayers my siblings. God bless you, and
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:20:48 +0000

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