Canada: PEACEMAKER or POWDER MONKEY? Unswerving support for the - TopicsExpress


Canada: PEACEMAKER or POWDER MONKEY? Unswerving support for the change in governance in Ukraine since February offers to Canadas government the opportunity of joining German Chancellor Merkel in supporting power decentralization within Ukraine. Stephen Harper can aid in making The forthcoming meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents in Minsk is a good opportunity to settle the Ukraine crisis, (1) Ukraine has concentrations of Russian and other language groups within a Ukrainian-language majority. (2) Canada national groups have achieved modus vivendi through a division of powers between a central and provincial governments, a structure we term federalism. Ukrainians apply the term decentralization to this form of governance Addressing Ukrainian President Poroshenko in support of Chancellor Merkels view of the necessity of decentralization will most certainly strengthen his acceptance of this as a positive step toward resolving issues being discussed between himself and President Putin in Minsk August 25th. Prime Minister Harper will hopefully take this step and aid in resolving the underlying issue provoking violence in Ukraine rather than play again the role iof deepening confrontation with Russia.. (3). (1) Merkel supports Ukraine power decentralization rt/news/182356-merkel-visit-poroshenko-kiev/ Ukraine power decentralization (2) Languages of Ukraine (3) Dangerous Crossroads: US-NATO To Deploy Ground Troops, Conduct Large Scale Naval Exercises against “Unnamed Enemy”
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 22:00:20 +0000

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