Canada has “moral obligation” to support Israel, stop - TopicsExpress


Canada has “moral obligation” to support Israel, stop anti-Semitism: Jason Kenney By Mark Kennedy, Postmedia News January 16, 2014 4:24 PM OTTAWA — Canada has a “moral obligation” to support a secure homeland in Israel for the Jewish people and must also stop the rise of a “new anti-Semitism” emerging in some “dark corners” right here at home, says a senior member of the federal cabinet. In an interview with Postmedia News, Employment Minister Jason Kenney spoke bluntly about what motivates the Harper government’s fierce support for Israel. Kenney, who has been Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s point man for fighting anti-Semitism and solidifying relations with Canada’s Jewish community, said critics are wrong when they allege the Tories are merely out to court votes in Canada. “The real reason that we have taken these positions is because we see what is, in our view, plainly evident,” said Kenney. “Israel faces a daily existential struggle for its survival (and) is a refuge for the Jewish people born out of the ashes of the Holocaust.” “It is attacked daily, it is targeted for elimination, precisely in part because it represents to some people in the Middle East a kind of aberrant presence of western civilization there.” In recent years, he said, the threats to Israel have come from groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas and from Iran’s political leaders. “Our policy is, in part, predicated on actually taking Israel’s enemies at their word. … I don’t think we can approach the Middle East pretending or wishing away those, frankly, evil sentiments.” As part of that, said the cabinet minister, the implications are clear. “There is some kind of moral obligation on the entire world to support a secure homeland for the Jewish people — given not just the Holocaust, but the entire history of anti-Semitism. Both in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.” At the same time, he said the federal government has adopted a “zero tolerance” approach to anti-Semitism in Canada. He said that in the past decade or so — ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. and the second Palestinian Intifada uprising against Israel — people have seen the emergence of something that “many people call the new anti-Semitism.” “We see the kind of culture of hatred in various parts of the world, regrettably in some dark corners of Canada, as some of this kind of new anti-Semitism.” Kenney said the hatred “repeats many of the old canards and conspiracy theories of the old European style anti-Semitism,” and is also displaying a new, more virulent form of violence. “It often finds itself at the nexus between radical Jihadi Islamism and the far left. This is a reality on our university campuses. It’s a reality in many different parts of the world, and it’s a reality we can’t ignore.” Kenney’s comments come as Harper prepares to leave Saturday for a week-long trip to the Middle East, with stops in Israel, the West Bank and Jordan. Kenney will be among a high-powered delegation that includes some of Harper’s most senior cabinet ministers and members of the Canadian Jewish community. Harper will speak to Israel’s Knesset and meet separately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Critics have blasted Harper’s government for losing influence in the Middle East because of its fervent support for Israel and by actions such as strong opposition in 2012 to the United Nations giving Palestinians “non-member observer state” status. But Kenney said the government has taken a “balanced approach” in the region — recognizing, for instance, that Palestinians have “legitimate aspirations” to be negotiated in a “two-state settlement.” “But at the end of the day we will not accept the notion of a moral equivalence between the hateful terrorism of Israel’s worst enemies and counter-terrorism designed to defend itself.” Rafael Barak, Israel’s ambassador to Canada, told Postmedia News that Canada has adopted a “principled foreign policy” and its leaders have the “conviction” to stand up for what they believe. “The vocal support of the Canadian government serves as a pillar of strength for all Israelis. We also deeply appreciate Canada’s support of Israel as a Jewish state and its understanding of our security challenges.” Said Hamad, the chief representative of the Palestinian delegation in Canada, said Harper’s visit to the West Bank provides a “tremendous opportunity” to strengthen relations. He said the Palestinians appreciate Canada’s advocacy for a “two-state solution” and its financial support for developing the Palestinian economy, justice and security sectors. “We look forward to a constructive dialogue and an honest exchange of ideas on an array of issues in the furtherance of a viable, independent and democratic Palestinian state, living in peace and mutual respect with its neighbors.”
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 19:59:48 +0000

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