Canada hugged Kumajiro to his chest as he waited for the other - TopicsExpress


Canada hugged Kumajiro to his chest as he waited for the other nations to arrive to the world conference. Not like they would notice him or anything. They never did. Kumajiro looked up at Canada. Who are you? he asked. Canada sighed. Im Canada. Who? Canada. Im hungry. .... Kumajiro hopped out of Canadas arms and walked away to find some food somewhere else, leaving him alone in the empty room as the other nations started arriving. As usual, France and England were arguing with each other and causing a disturbance. FRENCH BASTARD! BLACK SHEEP OF EUROPE! Russia smiled his normal smile while America laughed and China tried to keep them from arguing. Canada stayed in his seat, sweatdropping at the other nations. Why do they always have to be such idiots? He thought to himself. Russia went to him, and Canada straightened up believing he would actually talk to him this time. Instead, Russia sat right on him. This seat feels a bit stumpy, said Russia. Canada tried to push Russia off of him, but he was too heavy for him. Um excuse me, can you please get up? Canada asked in his normal semi-silent voice. Dudes, did you hear something just now? I dont know, but it did sound like a voice. said Russia. Where did it come from? asked China. Canada narrowed his eyes. He was starting to feel a bit angry but he held it back but attempted to make his voice louder. Excuse me! Russia turned his head, obviously hearing him this time. He got up and looked at him. Oh sorry... um? Who is he again? China asked. Canada narrowed his eyes even more, feeling rage build up inside him. Instead of saying anything else to them, Canada got up and left after finding Kumajiro. Whats his problem? America asked the others. ........................................................................................ On the way out of the world conference meeting, Canada ran into Italy, Germany, and Japan, and Romano. Italy was being... well, Italy. Germany was trying to calm him down , Romano seemed usually pissed, and Japan was just silently walking with them. Italy saw Canada walking with Kumajiro and approached him. Ciao~... um.. who are you again? he asked. I-Im- Canada started. Italy that was rude, Germany cut in, not hearing Canada speaking. Im- You shouldnt be talking to strangers fratello! Romano scorned Italy. I-I.. He does look a bit familiar... Japan said. IM CANADA!! he nearly screamed, and stormed off to his house leaving the other four dumbfounded. ........................................................................................ Canada rushed into his house, laying Kumajiro down on his bed and heading to the kitchen to blow off some steam by eating maple syrup pancakes. He poured as much maple syrup on his pancakes as he could and ate them, trying to get rid of the rage he felt deep inside of him. Get rid of his rage? No, forget that. He wouldnt hold back his rage. This time, he would prove to everyone that he existed. He would let himself be known. All those other nations looked down on him like he was nothing, nonexistent. He would prove them all wrong one way or another. A smirk very unlike Canada creeped across his face. He would have fun with this. But how would he make himself be heard? Canada glanced to his slightly open window where several empty flower pots lay across the rim and underneath the window. Then he looked to his knife box and took out a sharp, shining, stainless steel knife that could cut through almost anything. He admired it with a maniacal grin on his face. His smirk got wider as his new idea flowed through his mind. Wouldnt it just be fun to have a beautiful garden?
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:26:28 +0000

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