Canadian Anti- Spam Legislation (CASL) goes into - TopicsExpress


Canadian Anti- Spam Legislation (CASL) goes into effect Starting today _______ email inbox should _______ a _______ less jammed. The federal government‘s _______ anti-spam legislation _______ effect this morning. It threatens companies _______ big fines _______ they send unsolicited email. _______, will _______ actually mean less spam? Here’s Mike Le Couteur _______ the new law _______ how _______ affects you. I have one right here. I’m _______ going _______ confirm that one. I don’t want _______ get _______ again. It seems like _______ hour Eric Albert _______ sorting through his email deleting spam messages. I _______ got _______ email from _______ girl _______ Africa once that wanted _______ give me _______ bunch _______ money, so, but I put that _______ my junk folder. It’s estimated 70% _______ emails _______ the world _______ spam. They can _______ annoying ads from _______ company you’ve already _______ business _______ or just plain junk mail that you’d _______ want. Medical stuff, you know, _______, Viagra, you know, even got tampon one. Starting July 1st, those messages will _______ illegal thanks _______ _______ new federal anti-spam law. _______ the last few weeks companies have _______ clamouring to get your consent _______ keep you _______ their mailing lists; otherwise, it face stiff fines. _______, charities _______ exempt and so are schools _______ associations that send you non-commercial newsletters. I don’t send _______ lot _______ emails every year, _______ I do send about four. A family photographer Ashley wells does _______ of her advertising _______ email and she worries the _______ law unfairly penalizes small companies _______ hers. _______, I think I will _______ be able to reach _______ fewer customers who are not going _______ choose to opt _______ thinking they may _______ spammed _______ a lot of emails like they would _______ a larger business possibly. Though Wells _______ have to change the way she advertises, _______ the government feels it’s worth it _______ order _______ protect consumers. Big difference is the shift _______ an opt _______ world to one that is an opt _______ world. Internet privacy expert Michael Geist points out _______ business _______ has people’s permission is compliant. Sometimes people give _______ permission _______ knowing it especially _______ ordering something online and _______ part of the order form he’s provided your email address _______ thinking that that necessarily meant you’d _______ getting ongoing email updates. You thought that was _______ for the purpose of the single transaction. Well, that wasn’t _______ express consent. Well, _______ that case, a company _______ face a $10 million fine. _______ there will be a phase _______ period _______three years. Enough time for companies to get _______ board and plenty _______ time for you _______ keep getting _______ unwanted mail. Mike Le Couteur, Global News, Ottawa.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 15:17:00 +0000

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