Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that Canada will - TopicsExpress


Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that Canada will have the greatest economic prosperity it ever had. That is from the article in the front page of the french newspaper La Presse December 18, 2014. Wow ! that is an extremely positive statement coming at a time when Europe is going bankrupt. The United States of America is not any better, as the city of Detroit recently declared bankruptcy with over 50% of its workers unemployed. Even worse, only a few years ago, President Obama had to save 6 of the biggest American banks with 800 billion dollars from going also bankrupt remember ?. He had said that he had no choice, and that it was too prevent another economic crash even worse than the crash of 1929. Canadians that are out of work must wonder what kind of hallucinating grass Harper must have smoked to announce such nonsense ?. It reminds me of Herbert Hoover when he had said on Nov. 6, 1928 that if he was elected he promised prosperity and that there will be a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage, and that America will triumph over poverty. And only a year later in 1929, everything came crashing down. A recession that starved to death 12 millions Americans during the 12 years that it lasted. Harper ! STOP smoking that stuff and comeback to reality.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:59:47 +0000

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