Cancer Cure? Wisdom From A Friends Experiences. Makes Sense To - TopicsExpress


Cancer Cure? Wisdom From A Friends Experiences. Makes Sense To Me. I would not presume to tell you what to do. Only share my experience. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in Mar 2012. She did 6 months of chemo and had a mastectomy. We thought we were done. The cancer came right back in 2 tumors near her incision. She had those removed and went through 35 days of horrible radiation. 2 months later, cancer was back. She had those 2 removed also. The doctors tried to push us toward more chemo and radiation. But clearly that was not working. We refused any further medical treatments. During this time, I did extensive research online through various websites. I even had another friend share her experience with me. This is what we have found to be true...Cancer is a fungus. It thrives on sugar. When they do a PET scan on the body to pinpoint the cancer, they shoot a radioactive sugar isotope into the bloodstream. The cancer will suck it right in. Thats how they find it. To totally kill cancer cells we have to make the body alkaline. The cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. Green veggies are very alkaline. She cut out all processed sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, lowered carbs (they turn to sygar). We use Stevia as a sweetener. Its made from a plant and is alkaline. She takes 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda 4x a day in a glass of water. Also she takes 4000mg (4gm) of curcumin (turmeric) daily. There are hundreds of articles on naturalnews. Here are a couple of links wth some search results: naturalnews/GoogleSearchResults.html?cx=010579349100583850635%3Aw_kzwe9_yca&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=baking+soda+cures+cancer&sa.x=0&sa.y=0&siteurl=naturalnews%2F&ref&ss=6013j1770963j24 naturalnews/GoogleSearchResults.html?q=curcumin+cures+cancer&cx=010579349100583850635%3Aw_kzwe9_yca&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&sa.x=0&sa.y=0&siteurl=naturalnews%2F&ref&ss=7326j13006104j10 riseearth/2014/09/naturopathic-doctor-uses-nutrition-to.html Also, Louise L Hay cured herself from stage 4 terminal cancer. She wrote a book called You Can Heal your Life My wife is doing great now. We are continuing to watch what we put into our bodies. I know that this is a lot to take in. I hope some of it may help you and your family.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 05:01:43 +0000

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