Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Heart Disease, etc - TopicsExpress


Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Heart Disease, etc etc.. Do these diseases really run in your family? or are you eating the same cancer and diabetes-causing foods that your parents did? Instead of following patterns of bad health and assuming the problems are hereditary, try learning the truth about food, and making better choices Another conclusion Dr. Campbell has reached is that by eating a healthy, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet we can actually overcome or AVOID our genetic tendendcies. This concept is supported by the joint work of medical clinician Dean Ornish, MD and visionary scientist and genome expert J. Craig Venter, PhD who found that gene expression can be altered through lifestyle changes, including a diet very high in plant-based foods. Another observation that we worked on for a long time was that disease does not occur just because of the genes we have. Genes do play some role; heres the way it is: All these biological reactions, whether theyre normal physiological or whether theyre pathological, all these reactions begin, chemically speaking, they begin with genes. And we have about 25,000 genes in all kinds of combinations; its an enormously complex system and these genes all work together. So everything starts with genes, and in a biochemical sense, these genes - DNA in this case if you will, they produce what we call RNA, the RNA then produces protein and the protein becomes the enzymes and then the enzymes is whats creating and controlling, the events that subsequently turn into either health or disease. So, we start with genes, everything starts with genes. And also we have some genes, all of us have some genes that arent so good and will take us down the wrong path. The question is: does our disease occur because of the genetic background? VERY LITTLE OR NONE, because even if we have some troublesome genes either from our background or from genes that have been corrupted during our lifetimes, if we have these kinds of genes they can give rise to some disease. We can control the expression of these genes. That means we can control whether or not they do produce RNA, whether they do produce protein and whether they produce enzymes. So, even though everything starts as genes, and thats a popular understanding, thats not what determines disease. What determines disease is the control of that genetic expression to give health or disease at the other end. Thats a very exciting concept because what that means is, instead of if we rely on the idea that genetics causes disease, thats a very fatalistic idea. If we rely instead on the idea that we control the expression of these diseases through nutrition, thats where nutrition comes into play. If we can do it through nutrition, thats a very hopeful sign. The role of genetics is smaller than we might have thought... The genes are there. The genes for diabetes are NOT like the genes for the color of your eyes or the color of your hair. Those are genes are dictators. If they say blue eyes brown hair you cant argue but, the genes for diabetes are more like committees - they make suggestions and you can argue with them. You can say I dont think I want to have diabetes and those genes sit like seeds on the desert floor and NOTHING HAPPENS - unless it rains and then they sprout so, if you are not following the diet (SAD) that makes them come alive you may never get the diabetes. Dr. Neil Barnard Research done by Dr Dean Ornish and Nobel prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn; found that a Vegan diet caused more than 500 genes to change in only 3 months, turning on genes that prevent disease and turning off genes that cause breast cancer, heart disease, prostate cancer and other illness. This is empowering news, given that most people think they are a victim of their genes, helpless to stave off some of the most dreaded diseases. We arent helpless at all; in fact, the power is largely in our hands. Its on our fork actually. Anti-Cancer Grocery List (via Care 2) Vegetables: Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Carrots Kale Mushrooms: shiitake, maitake, reishi, Agaricus blazei Murill, and Coriolus Versicolor Seaweed and other sea vegetables Sweet potatoes Fruit: Avocados Chili peppers Figs Grapefruits Grapes Oranges and lemons Papayas Raspberries Tomatoes Seeds & Nuts: Flax Nuts Herbs & Spices: Garlic Rosemary Tapioca Tumeric Beverages: Red wine Soy products Green tea and black tea Read more: care2/greenliving/27-top-cancer-fighting-foods.html#ixzz2M2B4qF00 Gina Matthews II Another helpful hint - dont eat cancer causing foods, like Meat and Dairy! Check out my Healthy grocery list its helped lots of people maybe it can help you too tombirkenmeyer/get-healthy/healthy-grocery-list/
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 22:06:17 +0000

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