Cancer + Gemini Soul connection: Mind and emotions meet in this - TopicsExpress


Cancer + Gemini Soul connection: Mind and emotions meet in this pair, with lots to learn for each of them. Influenced by speedy Mercury (Gemini) ruling thought, communication and movement, and the ever changing Moon (Cancer) ruling the subjective world of emotion, there’s a kaleidoscope of shifting moods within this relationship. The winds of change are primarily mental in focus for the Twins versus the swift moving tides of emotion within Cancer. Both Cancer and Gemini are quick change artists; the rate at which their dispositions switch from high to low, playful to melancholy can be dizzying. Both are imaginative dreamers, wandering through their respective worlds - Gemini the outer, Cancer the inner - and they find each other fascinating. Cancer is intrigued and somewhat mesmerized by the Gemini art of storytelling, finding their mental agility and witty intelligence attractive and uplifting. The Twins are drawn to Cancer’s warmth and humor and can be captivated by the elusive mystery that sensitive Cancer exudes. Cancer nurtures the child in Gemini, which satisfies them both. Though they love to travel, hearth and home are paramount to Cancer, who provides Gemini with some grounded stability which often eludes them. In turn, Gemini helps Cancer lighten up, cajoling them out of the emotional doldrums. A Gemini with designs on a Cancer wins points with heartfelt, romantic gestures, old fashioned gallantry, the seductive powers of home cooked meals and respect for their partner’s family ties. Cancer will do well to move out of their comfort zone in exploring new places and activities and by making an effort to open up more than they may usually do, if they wish to hold the attention of quick-silver Gemini. Challenges: These two live in parallel worlds. Gemini touches lightly and moves on, and if Cancer gets attached to something they never let go. Gemini may feel stifled by the crab’s possessiveness while Cancer feels insecure and threatened by the Gemini reluctance to commit. Not to say that Gemini is incapable of commitment, but the twins’ need for freedom is as legendary as the crab’s need for security. Gemini needs to talk – a lot – which may hit the Cancer crab shell like a brick wall. Cancer can be maddeningly close-lipped and private, their acute sensitivity causing them to withdraw. Gemini must use their hearts to understand their moon ruled partner, even clever Gemini won’t solve that mystery using the mind alone. Cancer won’t always be able to sense what Gemini feels and distance can grow between them. When Cancer does choose to communicate in words, Gemini better focus their attention to receive them. Cancer needs Gemini to sit still for a while and really listen. Cancer is generally very responsible with money, preferring safety over risky ventures. Gemini needs to experience all that is new, to explore and learn as much as possible, and the thrill of a purchase can outweigh the value of saving money, as far as they’re concerned. These two can find it hard to connect on the same wavelength for very long; differences in their essential natures may prove too conflicting to overcome. Love rating: 6.5 Educational. They are similar, yet different. Both are moody, but in different ways and for different reasons. With supportive elements in the rest of their charts, these two can strike a magical balance, each providing a complimentary, missing component for the other. Regardless of the type of relationship or its duration, they have their work cut out in terms of negotiating the swift currents of their ever changing dispositions and fundamental differences in their approach to life. If an intimate relationship is desired, be sure to let friendship forge a strong foundation upon which to build
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 18:06:52 +0000

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